

篇名 以學習者為中心的教學:一個紐西蘭小學班級的讀寫說教學案例
並列篇名 Learner-Centered Instruction: An Example of Reading, Writing and Oral Presentation Instruction at a New Zealand Primary School Classroom
作者 田耐青(Nay-ching Nancy Tyan) 、吳麗君(Li-juing Wu) 、張心容(Steph Lin)
中文摘要 「讓兒童的個殊性引導我們的工作」,這句毛利格言精準闡釋了紐西蘭學校教育以學習者為中心的思維與實踐。前二位作者在第三作者的引介下,於2018年8月13日至31日率十位師資生進入一所位於紐西蘭奧克蘭市,學區家長社經等級為中間偏低的公立小學進行為期三週的見習。她們在第三作者任教的一個中年級混齡教室觀察其閱讀、寫作及口語表達教學,發現多項以學習者為中心的教學作為,如:個別化評量等。作者思考臺灣的國小教育脈絡,建議教師:(一)依據十二年國民基本教育國語文領域課綱的學習評量原則,對學生進行差異性的閱讀及寫作測驗,收集個別學生之閱讀/寫作歷程資料,並據此進行差異化教學,及(二)設計多軌的階梯來回應學生的個別差異、鷹架學生成長,以支持學習者為中心的教學。
英文摘要 A Maori proverb, “Let the uniqueness of the child guide our work,” precisely describes New Zealand schools’ spirit of “no blanket teaching” and practice of “leaner-centered instruction.” With the assistance of the third author, the first two authors, along with ten student-teachers entered an Auckland public primary school of middle-to-low socioeconomic status to observe classroom teaching from August 13th to 31st, 2018. During this period, the first two authors entered a grade-3/4 mixed-age classroom, of which the third author was the homeroom teacher, to observe all reading, writing, and oral presentation instructions and attended a school-based writing instruction workshop for grades 1 and 2 teachers. Many learner-centered instruction approaches were observed, such as individualized assessment. In this research, the authors concluded, by scrutinizing Taiwan’s primary education context and making two recommendations. First, as school teachers were supported by the learning assessment principles of the 12-year basic education Mandarin curriculum guidelines, they have to conduct differentiated assessments and collect individual students’ learning processes in order to further assist their differentiated instructions. Secondly, school teachers might construct multiple scaffoldings in accordance with dimensions of language education to respond to students’ individual differences and to help students’ development so they could support well a learner-centered instruction in their classroom.
頁次 085-108
關鍵詞 學習者為中心的教學 紐西蘭小學 閱讀教學 寫作教學 口語表達教學 learner-centered instruction New Zealand primary school reading instruction writing instruction oral presentation instruction TSSCI
卷期 23:3
日期 202007
刊名 課程與教學
出版單位 中華民國課程與教學學會
DOI 10.6384/CIQ.202007_23(3).0004