

篇名 韓國高等教育EMI的發展與挑戰
並列篇名 Development and Challenges of English-Medium Instruction of Higher Education in South Korea
作者 黃月純(Yueh-Chun Huang)
中文摘要 韓國大學實施全英語授課(English Medium Instruction, EMI)完全是政策制度強制性使然,也是韓國高等教育實施EMI的本質。韓國自1986年與1988年舉辦亞運會與奧運會,以及1997年的金融危機開始,韓國政府便認定了英語是在競爭激烈的國際市場中生存的必要條件。因此,大學國際化被認為與國家的競爭力直接相關,接續大學評鑑指標與各項世界大學排名,都納入國際化評比,以及為爭取政府各項獎補助計畫,例如21世紀頭腦韓國工程(Brain Korea 21,簡稱BK21)、BK21 Plus、留學韓國計畫,以及世界一流大學計畫等,都強化了韓國各大學開設EMI的意志與迫切性。從2000年以後的10年間,韓國大學開設EMI可說是爆發式的增加,各大學積極投入此一「政策時尚」(policy fashion)。直到2011年「韓國MIT」KAIST事件發生後,亦即推進EMI負面效應陸續出現,韓國大學才稍微停下腳步反省不斷追求英語授課的後果。本文介紹韓國近20年來發展EMI的過程與面臨的各項問題與挑戰,最後提出結論與建議。
英文摘要 Implementing English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI) in South Korean universities is not only a policy-driven imperative but also an intrinsic part of higher education in South Korea. The Korean government recognized the necessity of English proficiency for survival in the highly competitive international market, beginning with events like the 1986 and 1988 Asian Games and Olympics, as well as the 1997 financial crisis. This recognition led to the enforcement of EMI in South Korean universities, making it an essential component of their education system. As a result, university internationalization is seen as directly correlated with the nation’s competitiveness. Following university evaluation criteria and various global university rankings, internationalization has become a key assessment factor. Furthermore, universities are driven to offer EMI due to their pursuit of government grants and support programs, such as BK21, BK21 Plus, Study in Korea, and World-Class University initiatives. These factors have reinforced the determination and urgency among universities to implement EMI. From the year 2000 and over the subsequent decade, the introduction of EMI in South Korean universities experienced explosive growth, with universities actively embracing this “policy fashion.” It wasn’t until the KAIST, often referred to as the “Korean MIT,” event in 2011, and the emergence of negative consequences associated with the promotion of EMI that South Korean universities began to pause and reflect on the consequences of their relentless pursuit of EMI. This paper explores the development of EMI in South Korea over the past two decades, highlighting the various issues and challenges it has faced, and concludes with recommendations.
頁次 047-063
關鍵詞 以英語為媒介的教學 韓國高等教育 EMI (English as a Medium of Instruction) South Korean higher education
卷期 358
日期 202402
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司
DOI 10.53106/168063602024020358004