

篇名 Caring and Beyond “Motherly” Caring in Primary Teaching: A Case Study of a Taiwanese Primary School
並列篇名 小學教學的關懷不只是「母親般的」關懷:台灣小學個案研究
作者 李曉蓉(Hsiao-Jung LI)
中文摘要 本文藉由民族誌分析小學教學中關懷與母親工作/角色的性別關聯,探討小學 教學中關懷的複雜意涵。以2008至2009年台灣某小學的個案研究為資料,本研究 發現雖然教師都認同關懷在小學教學中的重要性,但是對於關懷的觀點卻有歧異, 例如男教師清楚表示自己的工作和角色與關懷相距甚遠。研究顯示,關懷並非只與 性別有關,因此本文提出三個非性別特定的價值─個人特質、重視專業技巧、人道主義論述─以詮釋關懷在小學教學情境中的複雜性。
英文摘要 School of Sociology, Politics and International Studies University of Bristol The article, based on an ethnographic analysis of the gendered link of caring in primary teaching with motherly work/roles, seeks to articulate the notion that caring in primary teaching may be complex. Data were collected from a case study conducted at a Taiwanese primary school between 2008 and 2009. The findings suggest that the importance of caring was acknowledged, but teachers’ responses about caring varied. Although male teachers manifestly distanced themselves from caring, the evidence suggests that caring does not exclusively relate to gender. Three non-gender-specific values — personal attributes, an emphasis on professional skills, and the discourse of humanism — were proposed for explaining the complexity of the caring phenomenon in the primary-school context.
頁次 043-065
關鍵詞 caring motherly work/roles femininity masculinity teachers’ gender primary teaching 關懷 母親工作/角色 女性特質 男性特質 教師性別 小學教學 CSSCI TSSCI
卷期 46:2
日期 201812
刊名 教育學報(香港)
出版單位 香港中文大學香港教育研究所