

篇名 幼兒園閩南語沉浸式的教與學
並列篇名 Immersive Teaching and Learning of the Southern Min Dialect in Preschools
作者 張淑敏 、陳淑琴
中文摘要 幼兒階段是各項學習的黃金期,自然包含語言學習在內。從多元文化觀點而言,學齡前幼兒更應該及早認識和學習使用自己的母語,透過學習母語進而認識和認同在地文化。基於上述緣由,研究團隊自105-108學年承接教育部國民及學前教育署委辦之計畫--「幼兒園閩南語沉浸式教學試辦計畫輔導訪視及成效評估案」,連續四年努力推動專案計畫,協助幼兒園現場老師尋找有效教學策略與形塑實施模式。本文改寫自第三期期末報告,紀錄分析107(下)-108學年計畫案的運作模式與實施成效,提供相關領域學者與實務工作者參考。
英文摘要 Early childhood is the golden period for the development of many skills, language certainly being one of them. From the perspective of multiculturalism, pre-school children should learn about and use their mother tongue as early as possible, so as to understand and identify with the native culture. For this reason, the researchers are entrusted by the K-12 Educational Administration of the Ministry of Education with a four-year research project between the academic years 2016 to 2019, namely "Consultancy visits and effectiveness evaluation on the Pilot Immersive Southern Min Teaching Program in preschools," which has the purpose of helping preschool teachers identify the suitable teaching strategies and develop the modes of implementation. This article is adapted from the final report of the third phase of the project, which records the mode of implementation and the effectiveness between the academic years 2018 and 2019, for the reference by scholars and practitioners in the related fields.
頁次 006-017
關鍵詞 幼兒園 閩南語 沉浸式教學 Preschools Southern Min dialect Immersive teaching
卷期 330
日期 202011
刊名 幼兒教育
出版單位 中國幼稚教育學會