

篇名 不一樣的畢業旅行:融入戶外教育與品德議題之教學研究
並列篇名 Unique Graduation Trips: A Teaching Research on Integrating Outdoor Education and Character Issues
作者 陳文馨(Wen-Hsine Chen) 、何縕琪(Yun-Chi Ho)
中文摘要 教育旅行是一項戶外教育,可以創造自然情境,讓學生理解與活用知識,除了樂在學習,也在歷程中增進公民意識與行動。本研究以「不一樣的畢業旅行」為例,探討融入戶外教育與品德議題的教學設計與成果,實施期程自2018年3月至2018年11月,研究者蒐集教育旅行方案規劃、旅行歷程記錄、小旅行報告、家長回饋,佐以教師觀察與省思等質性資料進行分析。研究結果包括:1.透過「願景定位」、「親師協作」、「任務引導」、「多元評量」等策略可有效發展與實施融入戶外教育與品德議題的教學;2.藉由提供「任務引導」與「利他行動」鷹架可深化學習者的品德。由此顯示,教育旅行教學除了建構社群共創的創新模組,也能深化學生「關懷行善」的品德核心價值。本研究最後提出若干建議供進一步課程設計與教學之參考。
英文摘要 As an outdoor education, educational travel can create natural situations for students to understand and make use of knowledge so that they can enjoy learning and enhance civic awareness and action in the process. This study adopts "unique graduation trips" as an example and discusses the teaching design of integrating outdoor education and character issues and its achievements. The study was conducted from March 2018 to November 2018. The researchers collected materials on the educational travel plan, travel history records, short trip reports, parents' feedback, supplemented by qualitative data from teachers' observation and reflection for analysis. The research results include the following: 1. Integrating outdoor education and character issues can be effectively developed and implemented through such strategies as "vision positioning", "parent-teacher cooperation", "task guidance" and "multiple evaluations"; and 2. "Task guidance" and "altruistic action" provided a scaffold to deepen learners’ morality. These results demonstrate that educational travel teaching can construct innovative modules created by the group and deepen the students' moral core value of "caring and doing good". Finally, this study puts forward some suggestions for further curriculum design and teaching studies.
頁次 029-056
關鍵詞 戶外教育 教育旅行 品德教育 議題融入教學 outdoor education educational travel character education issue-integrated teaching TSSCI
卷期 25:2
日期 202204
刊名 課程與教學
出版單位 中華民國課程與教學學會
DOI 10.6384/CIQ.202204_25(2).0002