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篇名 跨学科视域下人工智能伦理教育重构:知识观、学生观与教学观
並列篇名 Reconstruction of Artificial Intelligence Ethics Education from the Interdisciplinary Perspective: Knowledge View, Student View and Teaching View
作者 孙田琳子(Sun Tianlinzi) 、金约楠(Jin Yuenan) 、寇笑迪(Kou Xiaodi)
中文摘要 如今,智能技术的快速发展与人工智能伦理教育的滞后性难以相衬,人工智能伦理教育“为何”问题虽已达成共识,但其本质“是何”“如何”落地等问题成为目前教育人工智能中的重要命题。该研究从认知科学、技术伦理和道德教育等跨学科视角出发,探析人工智能伦理教育的理论溯源,构建人工智能伦理教育体系的知识观、学生观和教学观,以期为中小学人工智能伦理教育实践提供参考。研究揭示了人工智能基础教育阶段旨在培养新一代负责任的“数字公民”,伦理教育要兼顾明言伦理知识和默会伦理知识的生成,从个体伦理知识的积累走向社会共同建构;既要面向未来的技术开发者也要关注新一代技术使用者,让青少年学生与人工智能形成和谐共处、相互调节的道德共同体;教学中通过具身情境法、思辨研讨法培养学生的科技伦理素养,形成从认知到体验、从学校到生活的教育实践转向。
英文摘要 Nowadays, the rapid development of intelligent technology is difficult to match with the lag of artificial intelligence ethics education. Although there is a consensus on the “why” issue of artificial intelligence ethics education, what its essence and how to implement it, have become important propositions in the current basic education of artificial intelligence. The research analyzes the theoretical sources of artificial intelligence ethics education based on the interdisciplinary perspectives of cognitive science, technology ethics, and moral education, and structure the knowledge, student, and teaching concepts of the artificial intelligence ethics education system, with a view to the practice of artificial intelligence ethics education for young people for reference. The research reveals that basic artificial intelligence education aims to cultivate a new generation of responsible “digital citizens”. Artificial intelligence ethics education must take into account the generation of explicit ethical knowledge and tacit ethical knowledge, and move from the accumulation of individual ethical knowledge to the common construction of society. It must face the future technological developers should also pay attention to the new generation of technology users, so that adolescents and artificial intelligence will form a new type of “human-technology” relationship in a moral community. In teaching, students’ scientific and technological ethics will be cultivated through embodied situational methods and speculative research methods. The education practice turns from cognition to experience, from school to life.
頁次 045-051
關鍵詞 人工智能 伦理教育 科技伦理 道德教育 青少年 Artificial Intelligence ethical education technological ethics moral education adolescent CSSCI
卷期 447
日期 202404
刊名 中國電化教育
出版單位 中國電化教育雜誌社