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篇名 5+1= ? :日本“周六课堂”的新探索及其启示
並列篇名 5+1= ? :The Re-exploration of“Saturday Class”in Japan and its Inspiration
作者 尚冉(SHANG Ran) 、杨梅(YANG Mei)
中文摘要 基于部分中小学生周六空闲时间过多、家长无暇照料的现实矛盾,日本政府重新展开对“周六课堂”的探索。该项目在整合、利用社会资源的同时注重为儿童创设多元教育环境,消减周五日制的弊端。由日本文部科学省、大学、社区、企业等构成的“志愿者联盟”是此次改革的一大亮点,真正意义上践行了日本“全民办教育”的理念。“周六课堂”为我国基础教育改革提供了有益经验。
英文摘要 In Japan, some students from middle school and primary school are quite lazy during Saturday and their parents do not have time to take care of them. Based on the situation, Japanese government reexplores the “Saturday Class”. The “Saturday Class” project utilizes social resources and creates a colorful educational environment and thus cuts down the disadvantage of the system of studying only fi ve weekdays. The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, universities, community, companies and non-government organizations make up the “Voluntary backup team for Saturday education”, having great impact during the process and implementing the notion of “all participate in educational services”. “Saturday Class” provides great inspirations for the basic education in China.
頁次 006-011
關鍵詞 日本 学校周五日制 周六课堂 全民办教育 志愿者后援团 Japan system of studying only during five weekdays Saturday Class All Participate in Education Voluntary Backup Team for Saturday Education CSSCI
卷期 282
日期 201606
刊名 外國中小學教育
出版單位 上海師範大學