

篇名 教師文化對教學效能影響之探究
並列篇名 Inquiry of the Influences of Teacher Culture on Teaching Effectiveness
作者 許籐繼(Terng-Ji Sheu)
中文摘要 臺灣近年來的教育改革,包括教師專業化與課程改革,其主要的目標都在於增進教師的教學效能。然而,在推動改革的過程,對原有教師文化的忽視,導致改革成效不彰。因此,探討教師文化對教學效能的影響成為重要的課題。本文透過教師文化與教學效能意涵,以及教師文化對教學效能影響的分析,提出教師文化對教學效能影響的展望,主要有三:(1)以專業精神建構創生型教師文化並與教師教學自我效能感形成螺旋發展。(2)以學生學習成效證據突破保守教師文化,支持教師教學行為的革新。(3)以營造流動合作教師文化,增進教師互動的質量。最後,提出本文的結論。
英文摘要 The major objective of educational reform including teachers’ professionalization and curriculum innovation in Taiwan recently is to enhance teaching effectiveness. However, the original teacher culture has been ignored during promoting the reform process and which results in ineffective reform. Therefore, exploring the influence of teacher culture on teaching effectiveness becomes an important issue. This article analyzed the meanings of teacher culture and teaching effectiveness, and the influence of teacher culture on teaching effectiveness through literature review. Three influential perspectives of teacher culture on teaching effectiveness were identified. Firstly, constructing creative teacher culture with professional spirit enhance the development of teaching self-efficacy. Secondly, evidence of students' learning outcomes broke through the culture of conservative teachers and supported the innovation of teachers' teaching behavior; Thirdly, promoting the quality of teacher interaction by creating the culture of cooperation. Finally, the conclusion of this paper was presented
頁次 035-060
關鍵詞 教師文化 教育改革 教學效能 teacher culture educational reform teaching effectiveness TSSCI
卷期 23:1
日期 202001
刊名 課程與教學
出版單位 中華民國課程與教學學會
DOI 10.6384/CIQ.202001_23(1).0002