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篇名 课堂纪律对学生学业成绩的影响及干预研究述评
並列篇名 Comments on the Infl uence of Classroom Discipline on Student Academic Outcomes and Relevant Interventions
作者 宁波(NING Bo)
中文摘要 课堂纪律是我国教育学者较为关注的内容。不同国家的学生对于课堂纪律的认知和体验具有文化差异性。相对而言,课堂纪律对于我国学生的学业成绩影响较大。课堂纪律的维护应该遵循一些基本原则,并采用适当的策略。课堂纪律研究应该更多关注学生的视角,关注学校纪律氛围的建设。
英文摘要 Classroom discipline is a notable topic among educators in our country. Students’ perception and experience of classroom discipline vary across countries. Relatively, classroom discipline has large infl uence on students’ academic achievement in our country. The maintenance of classroom discipline should follow certain principles and use suitable strategies. Classroom discipline research should pay more attention to students’ perspective and focus on the construction of school disciplinary climate.
頁次 018-022
關鍵詞 课堂纪律 学业成绩 违纪行为 学校氛围 classroom discipline academic achievement indiscipline behavior school climate CSSCI
卷期 282
日期 201606
刊名 外國中小學教育
出版單位 上海師範大學