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篇名 客庄節慶、遊憩體驗及滿意度之研究—以客家文化節(四月八) 為例
作者 胡愈寧 、鍾福貴 、林佑昇
中文摘要 客家委員會規劃之系列節慶,其中客家文化節為頭份人於農曆4月8日舉辦斗燈文化節,希望透過推動民俗活動,讓本土文化的客家風俗,留下紀錄並且永續經營,同時藉由鄉親的共襄盛舉,讓居民和外來遊客能夠傳承客家文化,展現斗燈所代表之光明與生命力,也能感受苗栗縣頭份市民所珍惜的客家文化資產。而推動「客家文化節」10 年來客家傳統文化涵養啟發了新的創意出路,也衍生許多週邊商品,並創造不同於以往的行銷方式。於此研究希冀從理論、問卷調查與個案訪談,探討參與客家文化節的民眾其體驗感受及滿意度為何?政府策略為何?解析遊客者之滿意度?遊憩體驗與政府策略。研究結果發現:參與頭份客家文化節之遊客以女性居多佔(53.17%) 、年齡為中高年齡層40-50 歲(22.3%)50-60 歲(20.7%) 教育程度高中職(47.3%) 居多,收入2 萬元以下居多(44.7%),居住在苗栗地區者參與多(76.6%),其以客家人居多(64.4%),遊客之客語非常流利者(41.5%) 佔多數。對於參加頭份客家文化節整體滿意度高24.6489 在感官面、情感面、思考面、行動面、關聯面上滿意度高分別為15.5213(感官面)、16.3617(情感面)、15.9202(思考面)、16.4894(行動面)、15.9309(關聯面)。在七大變項與依變項之檢定發現:研究假設僅有月收入、教育程度、客語能力、職業部分對滿意度有影響達顯著,其他人口變項未達顯著。
英文摘要 Hakka Affairs plans a series of festivals including Hakka 12 festivals with Hakka Cultural Festival ,which is Toufen Bucket Lamp held during the Lunar April 8. Through the promotion of folk activities, local culture of Hakka customs can make records of the history and operate sustainably. Miaoli County treasure Hakka cultural assets. After promoting Hakka Cultural Festival for many years, traditional Hakka culture conservation inspires a new creative way , and also spawns many different merchandises and creations from the previous marketing practices. That stimulates the author to plan this research with its theory, research, surveys and interviews to explore    how the people involve in the Hakka culture festival experience feelings and satisfaction? Government strategy? The study design uses questionnaires, case interviews and text analysis. It parses the consumers' satisfaction with the recreational experiences and government strategies.The results found that:1.Involved Toufen Hakka culture festival visitors are mostly women (53.17%) in high ages 40-50 years old age(22.3%), 50-60 years (20.7%). Senior high school level of education (47.3%) of the majority of the income of 20,000 $NT majority (44.7%) living in Miaoli area to participate in multi-(76.6%). Hakka majority (64.4%), tourists of Hakka non-Normally fluent (41.5%) in the majority.2.Hakka culture festival participate in Toufen overall high satisfaction 24.6489 in sensory , emotion , thinking, action and association with high satisfaction 15.5213 (sensory ), 16.3617 (emotion), 15.9202 (thinking ),16.4894 (action ), 15.9309 (association).3.In seven variables and dependent variables test found Assumed only monthly income, level of education, the Hakka language, vocational part of team satisfaction influential significant other Demographic variables was not significant.
頁次 088-109
關鍵詞 客家文化節 滿意度 體驗經濟 Hakka Cultural Festival Satisfaction Experience Economy
卷期 9:1
日期 201905
刊名 休閒研究
出版單位 國立體育大學創新領導研究發展中心