

篇名 馬公國中生家庭社經地位與英語學習成就之研究:三個英語學習動機中介變項為例
並列篇名 Study on Student’s Family Socio-Economic Status and English Learning Achievements in Ma-gong Junior High School: Three English Learning Motivation as Mediators
作者 張芳全(Chang Fang-Chung) 、張嘉芸(Chang Chia-Yun)
中文摘要 國中生英語學習動機與英語學習成就長久以來備受關注議題,特別是離島國中生的英語教育及學習表現長期以來受到忽視。究竟離島地區學生的家庭社經地位與學習動機對英語學習成就影響情形為何呢?家庭社經地位是否透過英語學習動機對英語學習成就有影響呢?本研究以問卷調查法針對澎湖縣馬公國中七年級376名學生為樣本,以研究者自編英語學習表現問卷蒐集資料,經過分析歸納獲得以下結論:(一)英語學習的工具性動機最高,其次為成就動機,最後為內在動機,且英語學習成就在及格標準以上。(二)女學生、家庭社經地位高、小學一二年級就補習英語的學習動機較高。(三)家庭社經地位愈高、有英語補習、小學一二年級就補習英語、內在動機與成就動機愈高的學生,英語學習成就愈好。(四)學生的家庭社經地位透過英語學習內在與成就動機提升英語學習成就具有部分中介效果。雖然七年級生在小學一二年級時就補習英語在英語學習動機與學習成就較高,但是本研究並沒有鼓勵學生提早補習英語,這在研究中有進一步的討論。
英文摘要 The motivation and achievement of English learning among junior high school students had long been a subject of great concern, especially the English education and learning performance of junior high school students in out-islands from Taiwan had long been neglected. The family socio-economic status and learning motivation of students in out-islands that what was the impact of English learning? Does family socio-economic status influence English learning achievement through motivation of English learning? Based on the survey, the research constructed the English Learning Performance Questionnaire for 376 students at Magong junior high school in Penghu county. The following conclusions showed that: 1. The highest English learning motivation was the instrumental motivation, followed by the motivation of achievement, and finally the motivation of English learning was the intrinsic motivation, and the achievement of English learning was above the passing standard. 2. Female students and families had a high socioeconomic status, and had a higher motivation to study English who had tutor time in the first two years of elementary school. 3. The higher the socio-economic status of the family, the better the English learning achievement was, and the higher the motivation and the higher the motivation of the students in the first and second year of elementary school students. 4. The families’ socioeconomic status was partially mediated by the motivation to enhance their English learning achievement. Although seventh graders had higher motivation and achievement in learning English who had tutor time in the first two years of elementary school, this study did not encourage students to take up English gram early, which was further discussed in this study.
頁次 120-154
關鍵詞 內在學習動機 成就動機 英語學習成就 家庭社經地位 intrinsic learning motivation achievement motivation English learning achievement family socio-economic status
卷期 128
日期 202007
刊名 學校行政
出版單位 社團法人中華民國學校行政研究學會
DOI 10.6423/HHHC.202007_(128).0006