

篇名 國小公共設施避免國家賠償責任之管理智慧研究
並列篇名 Wisdom for Management of Preventing State Compensation Liability for Public Facilities of Primary School
作者 林志成(Chih-Cheng Lin) 、張鈺淇(Yu-Chi Chang)
中文摘要 本研究旨在析述國小公共設施避免國家賠償責任之管理智慧,文中重點包括討論校園公共設施意外事件與是否構成國家賠償責任要件,藉由國小校園意外事件的四個司法案例,透過文件分析法與訪談法,探究行動智慧導向之校園公共設施與國賠議題之具體內涵。茲將本研究之主要結論歸納如下:一、行動智慧導向之校園公共設施管理與避免國家賠償之營造原則校園公共設施的管理與意外事件的防範,宜從「覺↔知↔行↔思」的行動智慧視框,覺知闡釋教育基本權,實踐公共設施設置安全管理,並從教育基本權深入省思;教育經管相關單位宜導入行動智慧導向之校園公共設施管理與安全案例研究,並從省思中不斷檢討、改進、精益求精,深究避免國家賠償之營造原則,以避免重蹈覆轍。二、國小校園環境管理之教育基本權作用及校本危機管理的智慧國小校園環境管理之教育基本權作用及校本危機管理宜綜合多元成果評鑑營造-系統化判斷降低風險,以管理智慧鏈結「覺知的營造-法治策略原則」、「知行的營造-友善策略原則」、「行思的營造-善良策略原則」,積極預防意外發生或消極降低傷害程度。最後,依據結論,本研究提出四項建議如下:第一、發展綜合多元成果評鑑助長模式(decision-facilitation model)之評鑑檢核表。第二、主管機關宜編列相關預算及專責機構針對潛伏危險之公共設施及營造物進行維修及拆除等積極作為。第三、發展科技智慧介入校園公共設施之安全數位維護與管理。第四、未來研究可將學校危險地圖及冒險行為轉化為課程教學學習,虛擬實境教材減少國家賠償責任之可能。
英文摘要 The purpose of this study is to analyze the intelligent management of elementary school public facilities avoiding national compensation liability. The focus of the study is to discuss whether the public facilities accidents on campus could constitute the elements of national compensation liability. To explore the campus public facilities of wisdom for action orientation and national compensation issues, the research analyses the document of four judicial cases about public facilities accidents on campus and interview contents. In addition, the study also elaborates the execution content of construction and principles about basic right to education. The main conclusions of this study are summarized as follows: 1. Campus Public Facilities for Action Orientation and Construction Principles to Avoid State Compensation The precautions of the public facilities accidents on campus should be viewed from the perspective of action wisdom, besides, through the process of “consciousness ↔knowledge ↔action ↔thinking” to perceive the interpretation of the basic rights to education, fulfill the safety management of public facilities, and reflect deeply from the sight of basic right to education. The institution of education should conduct the action wisdom of the management to campus public facilities and safety case studies. Moreover, the case should be constantly reviewed, improved and strived for excellence from reflection. 2. The Role of Basic Right to Education and the Strategy of School- Based Management in the Environment of Primary School Campus The elementary education role of school environmental management and school-based crisis management should be comprehensive and multi-evaluation assessment creation-systematic judgment to reduce risks. Furthermore, through linking “Conscious Construction-Rule of Law Strategy Principles”, “Conscious Construction-Friendly Strategy Principles”, and “Action Construction-Kindness Strategy Principles” with action wisdom could actively prevent accidents occur or negatively reduce the degree of injury. According to the conclusion, the recommendations are as follows, Develop an evaluation checklist for the decision-facilitation model. The competent authority should compile relevant budgets and the responsible agency should actively repair and dismantle the potentially dangerous public facilities and structures, etc. The development of scientific and technological wisdom is involved in the safe digital maintenance and management of campus public facilities. Future research can transform school hazard maps and risk-taking behaviors into course teaching and learning, and virtual reality teaching materials can reduce the possibility of state compensation liability.
頁次 263-283
關鍵詞 公共設施 行動智慧 校園意外 國家賠償 campus accidents public facility state compensation wisdom for management
卷期 128
日期 202007
刊名 學校行政
出版單位 社團法人中華民國學校行政研究學會
DOI 10.6423/HHHC.202007_(128).0009