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篇名 新課綱核心概念再探
並列篇名 Reconsidering the Core Concepts of the New Curriculum
作者 曾正宜(Jeng-Yi Tzeng)
中文摘要 108課綱所推動的大規模課程改革影響深遠,卻因將素養與能力混為一談,而引發爭議與困惑,因此難以正視素養所倚之人文主義精神能為教育所帶來的前進動力。本文藉由釐清能力、素養、主體性等概念及其關係,強調發展面對未來挑戰之能力,須建立在學生實踐主體性,並從中找到個人持續修養的方向與動力之前提下才有意義。如此,學生才能學習為自己與社會的未來負責,成為能因應難解之未來的適能者。
英文摘要 The impact of the curriculum reform spearheaded by the 108 curriculum is extensive and substantial. Unfortunately, controversy and confusion arose when the concepts of literacy and competence were blended, thereby often overlooking the impetus that promoting the humanism-rooted concept of literacy in teaching and learning could bring to move education forward. This article aims to clarify the ideas of and the relations between competence, literacy, and subjectivity, and argues that developing students’ competence to handle future challenges would be meaningful only if students could actualize their subjectivity, and wherein find the impetus and direction for their cultivation. Then, students could learn to take responsibility for the future of themselves and the society, and develop the needed fitness for the inscrutable future.
頁次 004-017
關鍵詞 108課綱 主體性 素養 能力 108 new curriculum guidelines subjectivity literacy competence
卷期 324
日期 202104
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司
DOI 10.3966/168063602021040324001