篇名 先驅研究-運用設計思考改善高齡者乳品攝取
並列篇名 Using Design Thinking to Improve Dairy Products Intake in the Elderly -A Pilot Study
作者 蕭文(Hsiao Wen) 、連盈如(Yin-Ju Lien) 、張鳳琴(Fong-Ching Chang)
中文摘要 本研究以設計思考發展改善社區長者乳品類攝取的策略,並測試介入後的成效。研究方法以史丹佛設計研究院所提出的設計思考五階段實施,在「同理」階段找出15位社區高齡者進行訪談,於「測試」的階段找41位社區高齡者進行介入測試。研究結果於「同理」階段發現多數高齡者有攝取乳品類,但沒有攝取足量的原因是因為沒想到要攝取乳品類食物或認為營養已足夠,而部分是因經濟或個人生理因素導致攝取不足;「定義」階段將受訪者收斂為5種的人物誌:經濟壓力型、生理因素型、認知不足型、缺乏觸發點型及依靠他人型;於「發想」階段透過腦力激盪想出重視飲食、教育、陪伴鼓勵與提醒、減少障礙等多種改善的方案;「製作原型」階段,設計一個「乳品攝取養成計畫」的介入方案,透過4週營養教育的課程提升對飲食的重視,提供攝取乳品類的知識與技巧及辦理挑戰賽的活動,透過陪伴與鼓勵提醒高齡者攝取乳品類食物。最後於社區據點進行「測試」,結果發現高齡者乳品類的認知、奶粉及鮮奶的攝取量與總乳品類攝取量達顯著提升,多數高齡者對於規劃的課程表示滿意。本研究發現透過設計思考對於促進社區高齡者的乳品攝取有所助益,建議未來可推廣到更多社區讓更多高齡者參與。
英文摘要 This study applied Design Thinking to develop intervention strategies for improving older adults' dairy intake and examined the effectiveness of these interventions. The study was conducted using five stage of design thinking proposed by the Stanford d. School. In the “Empathy” stage, we interviewed 15 older adults from seven community care stations; in the “Test” stage, we investigated 41 older adults from two community care stations to confirm the effectiveness of the intervention. The results showed that most older adults consumed dairy products in the “Empathy” stage, but their dairy intake was insufficient. This was because older adults neither expected nor thought about the consumption or considered their nutritional intake sufficient. Some participants demonstrated intake deficiency because of financial or physiological factors. In the “Define” stage, the respondents were categorized into five personas: financial stress, physiological factors, cognitive deficit, lack of trigger, and dependent. In the “Ideate” stage, brainstorming was used to develop improvement plans focused on diet, education, companionship, encouragement, reminders, and reducing obstacles. In the “Prototype” stage, we designed a four-week nutrition education program to impart the knowledge and cooking skills required to include dairy intake and conducted a challenge to encourage participants to consume dairy products. The final stage was the “Test” stage, which took place at the community care stations. The results revealed that participants' recognitions of dairy products, “milk powder” and “fresh milk” intake, and dairy consumption significantly increased after the intervention. Most participants were satisfied with the program. This study's findings demonstrated that older adults' recognition and consumption of dairy products improved significantly after the four-week nutrition education program. The results indicate that a Design Thinking approach can promote dairy product intake among older adults in the community. This program can be extended to more communities to improve their knowledge about dairy intake.
頁次 059-086
關鍵詞 高齡者 設計思考 乳品攝取 elderly people design thinking dairy products intake
卷期 56
日期 202212
刊名 健康促進與衛生教育學報
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學健康促進與衛生教育學系
DOI 10.7022/JHPHE.202212_(56).0003