

篇名 學校行動邏輯:都會邊陲高中教育弱勢扶助辦理現況及教育機會均等挑戰
並列篇名 Schools’ Logics of Action: Disadvantaged Student Assistance Programs in Urban Peripheral High Schools and Challenges for Equality of Educational Opportunity
作者 江淑真(Shu-Chen Chiang) 、王麗雲(Li-Yun Wang)
中文摘要 自1966年《Coleman報告書》發表後,如何透過學校教育以弭平學生遭逢的經濟、文化乃至於學習條件不利,乃成為關注焦點。然而,聚焦於學校效能的同時,卻常忽略了學校所處脈絡所帶來的限制,學校如何根據自身處境發展其行動邏輯,至為關鍵。過去教育機會均等研究多關注偏遠學校或都會學校,本研究聚焦於常受忽略的都會邊陲學校,探討其學校處境、行動邏輯及教育機會均等挑戰。本研究從中央-邊陲的理論觀點來檢視位處都會邊陲的三所個案高中學校,面對高中就學區的重疊劃分,當地優秀學生常被居優勢的都會學校吸收,致使都會邊陲高中有著高比例的弱勢學生,不但無法脫離都會主流價值的箝制,且相當程度地符應了依附的角色。本研究說明此類都會邊陲學校的經營困境與挑戰,以及因應學校條件與環境限制所產生的「學校行動邏輯」,並探討其對實踐教育機會均等的影響。根據訪談結果分析發現:都會邊陲高中雖然弱勢學生集中,卻因鄰近都會區而被忽略其困境,學校辦學挑戰大,因應此限制,學校必須追求學術拔尖以維持名聲,穩定生源;經營辦學受都會(中央)辦學價值框限與自身條件限制,陷入進退兩難之境,在教育機會均等的促進上只能採取較為保守的策略。
英文摘要 Since the “Coleman Report” was released in 1966, great attention has been placed on how schools can alleviate the economic and cultural factors leading to unfavorable learning conditions for students. However, an emphasis on school effectiveness often neglects the restrictions imposed by school contexts. School contexts matter greatly, since schools react to contextual constraints in developing their own logics of action based on an analysis of opportunities and constraints. While past studies on equality of educational opportunity emphasized either remote or urban schools, this article focuses on oft-neglected urban peripheral schools, exploring their challenges in terms of school context, logics of action, and equality of educational opportunity. This study adopts center-periphery theory as a theoretical framework to investigate three high schools located in urban peripheral areas. Due to the overlap of school districts in urban peripheral areas, students with outstanding academic performance are often attracted to urban schools, resulting in a higher proportion of disadvantaged students in urban peripheral schools. Furthermore, such schools are unable to depart from mainstream urban values, despite their contextual constraints. The findings of this study describe the operational difficulties and challenges for urban peripheral schools in adapting their own logics of action to contextual and environmental constraints, and discuss the practical implications for equality of educational opportunity. Based on an analysis of interview data, the major findings of this study are as discussed as follows. Despite the high concentrations of disadvantaged students in urban peripheral high schools, their difficulties are often neglected, due to close proximity to urban schools. Urban peripheral high schools face great challenges and, in response, prioritize academic excellence in order to maintain their reputation and secure student enrollment. Constrained by the core values of the center (urban) areas and the schools’ own contextual constraints, urban peripheral schools can only adopt more conservative strategies in order to improve equality of educational opportunity.
頁次 001-045
關鍵詞 都會邊陲高中 中央-邊陲理論 弱勢教育扶助 教育機會均等 urban peripheral high schools center-periphery theory disadvantaged student assistance programs equality of educational opportunity TSSCI
卷期 20:1
日期 202006
刊名 臺灣教育社會學研究
出版單位 臺灣教育社會學學會
DOI 10.3966/168020042020062001001