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篇名 臺灣正念教育研究與實踐的省思與建議-從佛典「四念處」與卡式當代正念比較為切入
並列篇名 Reflective Insights and Future Directions in Mindfulness Education in Taiwan: A Comparative Study of the Buddhist “Four Foundations of Mindfulness” and Kabat-Zinn’s Practices
作者 釋法照(Fa-Zhao Shi) 、安康(An Kang)
中文摘要 正念減壓法(MBSR)由卡巴金博士創建以來,已發展出各種正念介入法,並在許多領域得到正面迴響。本文從卡巴金提倡的MBSR及源頭佛典「四念處」,抽取其共同重視的正念機制,觀察其應用於正念教育的足夠性,並比較兩者在目標、技巧策略的差異,作為臺灣未來正念教育發展的借鏡。研究發現,臺灣正念教育主要依循卡巴金的指導,對「身、受、心念處」偏向基礎性運用,較少涉及高層次心理覺照。而在「法念處」部分,卡巴金改用禪宗的「自然之道」與「完整性」理論,臺灣則相對缺乏關注與運用,也少觸及目標導向元素。本文建議臺灣正念教育應重視「無常、無我」的引導,以及「法念處」的正念系統性思惟,試以淺顯易懂的語彙詮釋,免除宗教化疑慮。未來臺灣正念教育的提昇,可從兩方面著手:一是正念研究與實務練習,應擴充「高層次心理素質」範圍,深化正念品質;二是政府主管機關宜整合資源,成立正念研發與師資培育中心,建構完善的教學實務體系。唯有紮實的學術研究作為後盾,再輔以制度性的支持,才能真正健全臺灣正念教育的發展,提昇社會大眾身心健康,促進新世代全人發展。
英文摘要 Since its inception by Dr. Kabat-Zinn, Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) has led to various mindfulness interventions and gained positive feedback in many fields. This paper extracts the shared mindfulness mechanisms emphasized by Kabat-Zinn’s MBSR and the Buddhist “Four Foundations of Mindfulness,” assesses their applicability to mindfulness education, and compares their differences in objectives and skills, serving as a reference for the future development of mindfulness education in Taiwan. The study finds that mindfulness education in Taiwan mainly follows Kabat-Zinn’s guidance, focusing on basic practices of “body, feelings, and mind,” with less involvement in higher-level psychological insights. In the aspect of “dharmas,” Kabat-Zinn incorporated Zen concepts, a practice that has seen limited attention and utilization in Taiwan, which also rarely addresses goal-oriented elements. This paper suggests that mindfulness education in Taiwan should emphasize the guidance of “impermanence and non-self” and the systematic thinking of “dharmas,” striving to present these concepts in accessible language to mitigate concerns over religiosity. To enhance mindfulness education in Taiwan, two key areas should be addressed: first, the scope of mindfulness research and practice should expand to include “higher-level psychological qualities”; second, government authorities should consolidate resources to establish a mindfulness research and teacher training center, aiming to develop a comprehensive and practical pedagogical framework. Only with solid academic research and institutional support can mindfulness education in Taiwan be truly strengthened, thereby enhancing public well-being and promoting holistic development.
頁次 063-106
關鍵詞 卡巴金 正念 四念處 念處經 Four Foundations of Mindfulness Kabat-Zinn mindfulness Satipathana sutra TSSCI
卷期 37:1
日期 202404
刊名 教育實踐與研究
出版單位 國立臺北教育大學