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篇名 臺灣30年教育改革下技職教育的轉向
並列篇名 The Transformation of Technological and Vocational Education Under Taiwan’s 30 Years of Educational Reform
作者 林大森(Da-Sen Lin)
中文摘要 由於戰後臺灣的政治經濟處境,技職教育始終配合經建計畫與人力發展,直至1994年教育改革,人民的教育需求才逐漸為官方政策納入考量。民間教改要求「廣設高中大學」,政府則以「暢通第二國道」因應,此一轉向並不符合教改人士期待,但2000年政黨輪替,新政府亦沒有修正此一路線,路徑依賴下造就技職體系龐大的教育版圖。本研究以文獻分析法,針對官方歷史文書、學術評論進行深入探討,以瞭解教育改革在技職轉型過程中扮演的角色。本研究認為,教改運動凝聚的社會力引領民眾反省「教育是否應以國家發展為目的」,即已彰顯其社會意義。教育議題乃鑲嵌於社會脈絡之中,不同時代應有不同的提問。文末建議勿再嚴守齊頭式平等,應適度開放市場競爭,建立具高市場價值的專業證照,為技職教育開創坦途。
英文摘要 Due to Taiwan’s political and economic situation after World War II, technological and vocational education has always corresponded to national economic planning and manpower development. It was not until the education reform in 1994 that the people’s educational needs began to begradually taken into account by official policies. The civil sector’s call for the reform was for “the expansion of senior high schools and universities,” while the government’s response was to “increase the Second National Freeway capacity.” However, after the regime changed in 2000, the new government did not alter the original direction.This study employed documentary analysis to examineofficial historical documents and academic commentaries to understand the role played by educational reform. This study points out that the social power gathered by the education reform movementled the public to seriously contemplate “whether education should serve the development of the nation.” Educational issues are embedded in the social context. This article recommends that we no longer strictly adhere to uniform equality, moderately open market competition, and establish high market value professional certificates/licenses to create a new path for technological and vocational education.
頁次 041-086
關鍵詞 技職教育 專業證照 教育改革 路徑依賴 廣設高中大學 technological and vocational education professional certificates/ licenses educational reform path dependence expansion of senior high schools and universities TSSCI
卷期 69:4
日期 202312
刊名 教育研究集刊
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學教育學系
DOI 10.53106/102887082023126904002