

篇名 遊戲治療和親師諮詢中性別議題之覺察:諮商心理師觀點
並列篇名 Awareness of Gender Issues in Play Therapy and Parent/Teacher Consultation: Perspectives of Counseling Psychologists
作者 徐于涵(Hsu, Yu-Han) 、蔡美香(Tsai, Mei-Hsiang)
中文摘要 本研究旨在探討諮商心理師在遊戲治療及親師諮詢歷程中性別議題之覺察,共招募六位在學生輔導諮商中心進行遊戲治療的諮商心理師,以質性研究方法,藉由半結構之深度訪談,蒐集諮商心理師對兒童進行遊戲治療以及與家長和教師進行諮詢時的性別議題之覺察。本研究結果:(1)在遊戲治療歷程,包含:(a)諮商心理師性別觀念的影響在挑選玩具媒材時便開始,主要是顏色及撫育類洋娃娃,並試圖平衡媒材中的性別比例;(b)兒童展現對「陽剛氣質」崇羨,以及排拒有陰柔(女性化)意象的玩具;(c)諮商心理師對男孩性別刻板的反應較女孩快速,且對於異性兒童之身體接觸較為警覺。(2)在家長諮詢歷程,包含:(a)性別即權力,家長諮詢過程中男性家長地位較高;(b)兒童的家庭分工潛藏性別議題;(c)諮商心理師因應家長性別調整用詞,貼近不同性別之家長。(3)在教師諮詢歷程,包含:(a)諮商心理師覺察性別與權威在教師諮詢中之意涵,藉此作為諮詢之溝通媒材;(b)諮商心理師看見對教師的性別刻板進行衛教的重要性。最後,研究者根據研究結果提出討論與建議,做為遊戲治療訓練與實務工作者以及未來研究者之參考。
英文摘要 The study aimed to explore the counseling psychologists’ perspectives on awareness of gender issues in play therapy and parent/teacher consultation. Six counseling psychologists from student counseling centers were recruited in the present study. Based on the phenomenology research approach, research data was collected by semi-structured in-depth interviews. The research findings are as follows. First, in the process of play therapy included (1) Counseling psychologists are aware of the significance of gender issues when it comes to opting for toys and play materials, especially their color and nurturing dolls; (2) Children exhibit their admiration for “masculine temperament” and reject toys with feminine (feminization) imagery, and (3) Counseling psychologists respond to the boy’s gender stereotypes faster than the girl’s, and are more alert to the physical contact of the children with the opposite sex. Secondly, in the process of parent consultation contained (1) Gender shapes power, and male parents have a higher status in parent consultation; (2) Division of labor at children’s family indicates hidden gender issues, and (3) Counseling psychologists adjust the word choice according to the parents’ gender to get close to them with the opposite sex of counseling psychologists’. Thirdly, in the process of teacher consultation included (1) Counseling psychologists perceive the meanings of gender and authority in teacher consultation and also realized that they use it as a communication medium for teacher consultation; (2) Counseling psychologists recognize the importance of health education regarding teacher’s gender stereotype on children. Based on the results of the current study, the authors provided recommendations for practitioners and future researchers.
頁次 027-054
關鍵詞 自我覺察 性別議題 家長及教師諮詢 遊戲治療 諮商心理師 counseling psychologists gender issues parent and teacher consultation play therapy self-awareness TSCI
卷期 42:1
日期 202005
刊名 輔導與諮商學報
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學輔導與諮商學系