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篇名 中小学教师数据素养培训课程设计与实践研究
並列篇名 Design and Practice of Data Literacy Training Course for Primary and Secondary School Teachers
作者 李新(Li Xin) 、杨现民(Yang Xianmin)
中文摘要 随着教育信息化2.0行动计划的持续推进,数据素养作为信息素养的拓展和延伸,已经成为教师能否将教育数据转化为有意义教学信息的关键,并逐渐引起教育主管部门的关注与重视。教师培训作为促进教师专业发展的有效途径,是提升教师数据素养发展水平的重要方式。文章从培训需求出发,以教师专业发展理论、“学习者为中心”理念、布鲁姆教育目标分类以及任务驱动式的内容设计为依据,基于意识态度、基础知识、核心技能以及思维方法四个层次的课程目标,设计了初级、中级、高级三个级别的课程内容以及实施框架,并基于该课程体系面向徐州地区的中小学骨干教师开展了混合式的教师数据素养专题培训,并通过问卷和访谈的方式对培训效果进行了评估,结果显示培训效果获得参训教师的高度认可。文章最后从需求分析、效果评估、内容优化三个方面对各地开展教师数据素养培训实践提出了实施建议,以期为我国各地开展教师数据素养专题培训活动提供一定的启示。
英文摘要 With the continuous promotion of education informatization 2.0 action plan, data literacy, as the expansion and extension of information literacy, has become the key for teachers to transform education data into meaningful teaching information, and has gradually attracted the attention and attention of education authorities. As the basic premise of teacher professional development, teacher training is an important way to improve teachers’ data literacy. Based on the training needs, the teacher professional development theory, the “learner-centered” concept, the Bloom education goal classification and the task-driven content design, and based on the four levels of curriculum objectives of conscious attitude, basic knowledge, core skills and thinking methods, the curriculum content and implementation framework of the three levels of elementary, intermediate and advanced levels were designed. Based on the curriculum system, the hybrid data literacy project training of teachers, and through the way of questionnaire and interview to the training effect were evaluated, results show that the training effect for the participation praised by the teacher. At the end of the paper, the implementation of teacher data literacy training practice was proposed from three aspects: demand analysis, effect evaluation and content optimization. It is expected to provide some reference and enlightenment for teachers’ data literacy training in various places.
頁次 111-119
關鍵詞 中小学教师 数据素养 课程设计 培训体系 培训实践 实施建议 primary and secondary school teachers data literacy curriculum design training system training practice implementation recommendations CSSCI
卷期 400
日期 202005
刊名 中國電化教育
出版單位 中國電化教育雜誌社