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篇名 文化资本与教育获得:中国情境中的探索与创新
並列篇名 Cultural Capital and Educational Attainment: Exploration and Innovation in China’s Context
作者 余秀兰(Yu Xiulan)
中文摘要 关于中国情境中文化资本与教育获得的研究,学者们在验证布迪厄理论基础上,基于其理论“法国化”和“静态化”的不足,进行了相关拓展:探索了底层文化资本等概念,并在文化资本概念的具体测量上增加了新的内容;对于文化资本的效应进行了验证研究,特别探讨了社会背景、应试教育、文化传统、时代变迁等情境性因素对文化资本发生作用的限制;关于文化资本产生作用的机制,发现了高雅文化排斥机制之外的文化认同机制。现有研究存在的问题主要有:文化资本概念测量上的混乱、文化资本理论运用的机械性以及基于中国本土情境的创新研究不足。未来需要进一步确定文化资本概念的边界,找出中国情境中文化资本的特点及其作用机制,并关注时代变迁特别是互联网发展带来的新变化。
英文摘要 With regard to the study of cultural capital and educational attainment in China’s context, scholars have not only verified Bourdieu ’s theory, but also expanded it due to the inadequacy of the theory being too “French” and “static”. Scholars have explored concepts such as “underclass cultural capital”, and added new indicators to the specific measurement of the concept of cultural capital. They have verified the effect of cultural capital, especially explored the context factors that regulate the influence of cultural capital on education attainment, such as social context, exam-oriented education system, cultural traditions, and changes of times. As for the mechanism of cultural capital affecting education attainment, they have found the mechanism of cultural identification in addition to the exclusion of highbrow culture. The problems in the existing research are mainly reflected in the confusion in the measurement of the concept of cultural capital, the rigid application of cultural capital theory and the lack of innovative research based on the local situation in China. In the future, we need to further define the boundary of the concept of cultural capital and find out the characteristics and mechanisms of cultural capital in China’s context and in the changing times.
頁次 020-037
關鍵詞 文化资本 布迪厄 教育获得 中国情境 cultural capital Bourdieu educational attainment China’s context CSSCI
卷期 42:6
日期 202406
刊名 華東師範大學學報(教育科學版)
出版單位 華東師範大學
DOI 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2024.06.003