

篇名 我国高质量教育资源供给机制创新与路径研究——来自美国“#GoOpen”计划的启示
並列篇名 Research on the Innovation and Path of High-quality Education Resource Supply Mechanism in China —Enlightenment from “#GoOpen” Initiative in America
作者 刘和海(Liu Hehai) 、屈昊(Qu Hao)
中文摘要 数字化是当下教育改革的重点,也是未来教育发展的趋势。无论是作为“十四五”规划中的战略举措,还是党的二十大中提出的必然要求,构建数字化教育资源为主体的高质量教育资源体系在当下具有必要性与迫切性。美国#GoOpen计划自实施以来,在教育资源数字化、个性化、均等化三个方面均取得了一定成果。通过对该计划官方文件与政策进行解读,对其内涵与特点进行分析,我国在进行高质量教育资源建设及其供给路径探究过程中应当重视统筹规划,循序渐进,同时完善多重考核与评估机制,结合社会多方力量,保证每个学习者的享有权利,最终走向教育公平,共同发展。
英文摘要 As the advanced stage of educational informatization, digitization is the trend of future educational development. Whether it is the strategic action of educational informatization transformation in the “14th Five-Year Plan” or the inevitable requirement raised at the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China to build a learning society and a learning-oriented country for all, it is necessary and urgent to construct a high-quality education system based on digital educational resources. Since its implementation, the US #GoOpen initiative has achieved certain results in three aspects: digitization, personalization, and equalization of educational resources. By interpreting the official documents and policies of this initiative and analyzing its connotations and characteristics, China should attach importance to overall planning and gradual progress in the process of constructing high-quality educational resources and exploring the supply mode. At the same time, it should improve multiple assessment and evaluation mechanisms, combine various social forces, ensure the rights of every learner, and ultimately achieve educational equity and common development.
頁次 069-078
關鍵詞 #GoOpen 开放教育资源 高质量教育资源 供给路径 #GoOpen open educational resources high-quality educational resources supply path CSSCI
卷期 445
日期 202402
刊名 中國電化教育
出版單位 中國電化教育雜誌社