

篇名 英国教学史研究发展述评
並列篇名 An Analysis on the Development of the Study of British Teaching History
作者 武翠红(WU Cuihong)
中文摘要 英国教学史研究是师资培训史、识字史和阅读史研究转向和交叉的产物。近30年,英国教学史研究不断深化,涌现出众多重要的学术成果。其研究内容有四大主题:在师资培训史研究的基础上拓宽教师史研究;围绕教的“场域一关系”进行历史研究;国家课程改革过程中学生的学习史研究;国际化视角下的留学生史研究。英国学者引入影视史、记忆史等研究方法,凸显教育史研究的实践取向,重视人自由而完整的发展,从历史的角度重新阐释教学的最终目的,力求全方位呈现教学的真实情景和历史画面,以构建整体的教学史体系。
英文摘要 The research on the history of teaching in Britain is the result of the transition and intersection of the study of history of teacher training, literacy and reading. In the past 30 years, the research on the history of teaching in Britain has been deepening and expanding. Its research contents include four major themes: broadening the research on teachers' history on the basis of the research of history of teacher training; the historical research around the field- relationship of teaching; studying the learning history of students in the process of national curriculum reform; studying the history of foreign students from the perspective of internationalization. British scholars introduced research methods such as film and television history and memory history, highlighted the practical orientation of educational history research, attached importance to the free and complete development of human beings, reinterpreted the ultimate purpose of teaching from the perspective of history, and tried to present the real situation and historical picture of teaching in an all-round way, so as to build the whole system of teaching history.
頁次 105-112
關鍵詞 教学史 教育史 教师史 学习史 英国 history of teaching history of education history of teacher history of learning British CSSCI
卷期 42:9
日期 202009
刊名 比較教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學/研究所