

篇名 高中阶段普职结构改革的国际经验与中国选择
並列篇名 International Experience in the Structural Reform of General and Vocational Upper Secondary Education and the Options for China
作者 刘丽群(LIU Liqun)
中文摘要 世界各国因经济水平、政治体制、文化传统、教育主张等差异,高中阶段的普职结构呈现四种不同的发展样式:普通教育主导模式、职业教育主导模式、普职教育大致相当模式和普职一体化模式。通过纵向分析与横向对比研究发现:各国高中普职结构并无统一模板与固定比例,处于不断变化之中;高中阶段普通教育的比例整体上略有提升,职业教育比例有所下降;高中普职教育正从壁垒森严走向彼此渗透和相互融通。我国高中阶段教育正迈向全面普及。短期来看,普职“大致相当”政策有其现实性与必要性,但从长远来看,应适当加大普通教育的比例,适度增强职业教育对通用技能的培养,切实搭建普职互通的教育“立交桥”,这是我国高中教育改革的重点领域与努力方向。
英文摘要 Due to the differences in economic level, political system, cultural tradition, educational ideas and other aspects in the world, there are four different patterns of upper secondary education: general education leading mode, vocational education leading mode, general and vocational education roughly equivalent mode and general and vocational integration mode. The longitudinal analysis and horizontal comparative study show that there is no fixed structure, the proportion of general education has increased slightly, the boundaries between general and vocational education are blurring. As far as China is concerned, the general and vocational equivalent policy is realistic and necessary in the short term. However, in the long term, China needs to increase the proportion of general education, enhance the training of general skills in vocational education, and build an "overpass" for general and vocational education.
頁次 030-036
關鍵詞 高中阶段教育 普通教育 职业教育 普职结构 upper secondary education the structure of general and vocational education international experience CSSCI
卷期 42:9
日期 202009
刊名 比較教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學/研究所