

篇名 后疫情时代教育国际交流与合作的新挑战与新机遇
並列篇名 New Challenges and Opportunities for International Exchange and Cooperation in Education in the Post-pandemic Era
作者 顾明远(GU Mingyuan) 、滕珺(TENG Jun)
中文摘要 后疫情时代,世界格局将发生很大的变化。尽管有些国家单边主义和民粹主义的思潮有所抬头,但全球化的趋势不可逆转。我们要以习近平提出的两个大局思想为指导,坚持对外开放,以积极的态度开展教育国际交流与合作,特别是加强与欧洲及“一带一路”沿线国家的教育交流与合作,做好我国教育国际化的内涵提升工作,同时加强与国际组织的合作,积极参与全球教育治理,真正促进文化互鉴,民心相通。
英文摘要 In the post-pandemic era, great changes will take place for the world order. Although unilateralism and populism are rising in some countries, the trend of globalization is irreversible. Facing the miss of "the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation", We advocate the policy of opening up and encourage international exchanges and cooperation in education with a positive attitude, especially with countries in Europe and along the "Belt and Road' At the same time, deep cooperation with international organizations and active engagement in global education governance are also encouraged, so that mutual understanding and development can be effectively realized among different cultures.
頁次 003-007
關鍵詞 后疫情时代 教育政策 教育国际交流与合作 Post-pandemic era education policy international exchange and cooperation in education CSSCI
卷期 42:9
日期 202009
刊名 比較教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學/研究所