

篇名 國民中學校長火線領導、資訊文化與學校效能關係之研究──以資訊文化為中介
並列篇名 A Research on the Relationship Between Firing-Line Leadership of Secondary School Principals and School Effectiveness: Take Information Culture as a Mediator
作者 楊明原(Ming-Yuan Yang) 、楊慶麟(Cing-Ling Yang)
中文摘要 本研究旨在探討桃園市國民中學校長火線領導、資訊文化與學校效能之現況與相關情形,並分析資訊文化對火線領導與學校效能中介效果。本研究採問卷調查法,於2017年5月以桃園市60所公立國中現職合格教師作為研究母群體,回收問卷722份。資料處理以描述性統計、皮爾遜積差相關、結構方程模式法等統計方法進行分析。本研究結論如下:一、桃園市國中校長火線領導、資訊文化與學校效能現況良好。二、校長火線領導、資訊文化與學校效能彼此呈中度至高度正相關。三、資訊文化對校長火線領導與學校效能具中介力。本研究建議如下:一、高資訊文化的行政團隊可提升學校效能。二、校長宜多傾聽、給予教師關懷。三、教師宜提升資訊能力,維護學生學習權益。
英文摘要 This study aim to explore the current situation among teachers’ sense    of firing-line leadership of principals, information culture, and school effectiveness,    including the correlations, and intermediary effect in public    junior high schools in Taoyuan City. The method of this study is questionnaire    survey. The approach in this study adopts questionnaires and    uses stratified random sampling to investigate 722 samples that are from    60 schools in 2017. Collected data are analyzed by the statistical methods    of descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation, and SEM. The results can be    concluded as follows:    1. Firing-line leadership, information culture, and school effectiveness    perceived by the teachers from public junior high schools in Taoyuan    City are significantly above theoretical average.    2. Here is a high correlation between every two variables of firingline    leadership, information culture, and school effectiveness.    3. “Information Culture” is a moderate variable between firing-line    leadership and school effectiveness.    Finally, the study will offer suggestions for the educational administrative    institutions, junior high school principals and teachers, and future    researchers:    1. Build an administrative team with high information culture to    improve the effectiveness of school administration and teachers’ teaching    effectiveness.    2. Listen to the voices of different groups, give teachers more care ness, and carefully supervise the quality of administrative works.    3. Teachers should improve their information skills and work hard    with administrators on students’ learning rights
頁次 001-016
關鍵詞 火線領導 資訊文化 學校效能 firing-line leadership information culture school effectiveness
卷期 125
日期 202001
刊名 學校行政
出版單位 社團法人中華民國學校行政研究學會
DOI 10.6423/HHHC.202001_(125).0001