

篇名 動勢取向舞蹈治療之身體意象預防方案:高中女生輔導模式
並列篇名 Effect of Dongshi-Based Dance Therapy on Body Image Prevention Program: A Guidance Model for Female Senior-High School Students
作者 李宗芹(Tsung-Chin Lee) 、朱倍萱(Bei-Syuan Chu) 、葉佩文(Pei-Wen Yeh) 、周麗修(Li-Shou Chou) 、姜忠信(Chung-Hsin Chiang)
中文摘要 身體意象對青少女心理發展有其重要性。研究指出,不良的身體意象與青少女的憂鬱、飲食障礙有密切的關係;身體意象與自尊、自我效能有顯著的正向關係。當代身體意象預防方案主要是以口語教導配合活動方式進行。本研究從正向身體意象的觀點,透過身體動勢概念來架構青少女身體意象之預防方案,期望此預防方案可促進高中女學生的身體意象。本研究招募北部某私立高中81位16~17歲女學生參與。參與者分為實驗組、對照組及一般控制組。實驗組參與者接受每週一次,每次1.5小時,共計八次之團體介入。三組皆於介入前與介入後採用自陳式問卷進行資料蒐集,以探討對青少女身體意象之改變。結果顯示,相較於對照組和控制組,實驗組對身體欣賞、對自己外表體態和身體各部位的滿意度有明顯提升,對外表的重視程度則稍有減低。本研究以動勢取向的舞蹈治療為基礎,發展身體意象促進方案。在介入後發現可有效提升高中女生的身體欣賞及對外表的滿意程度。最後,研究者提出本研究限制以及未來研究方向。
英文摘要 Body image is an important developmental issue for female adolescents and a risk factor for developing eating disorder. It is positively related to self-esteem, self-efficacy and sense of wholeness to one’s self. In this study, we proposed a prevention program for body image for female adolescents based on dance movement therapy approach, called Dongshi-based body image promotion program. It is believed that the program can improve their body image through body experience. We expected that the program can increase participants’ body image. Eighty-one females senior high school students aged 16-17 were recruited. The female students were divided into three groups, with 18 students participating Dongshi-based body image program (experiment group), 27 attending swimming class (comparison group), and 36 attending regular education course (general control group). The Dongshi-based body image program designed for the experimental group was 90 minutes for each session, with a total of 8 sessions in 8 weeks. All groups were measured body image by self-report inventory at pre-and-post intervention. Comparing with comparison and control groups, experimental group increased their body appreciation, satisfactions of the appearance evaluation and body parts satisfaction. The experimental group also became less concerned about their appearance orientation. The study indicated that the Dongshi-based body image program could facilitate bodily self and body appreciation. It implied the program has the potentiality for improvement of body image for female adolescents.
頁次 001-031
關鍵詞 心理教育 身體意象 青少女 動勢 舞蹈治療 psycho-educational program body image female adolescent dynamic movement dance therapy TSSCI
卷期 43:2
日期 202006
刊名 教育與心理研究
出版單位 國立政治大學教育學院
DOI 10.3966/102498852020064302001