

篇名 再论交大西迁之实质、动因与历史影响——兼与杨孟哲博士《动因、过程与论争:交通大学西迁探赜》一文商榷
並列篇名 Re-prove the Nature, Cause and Historical Influence of the Westward Relocation of Xi’an Jiaotong University - Discussing with Dr. Yang Mengzhe on His Paper Motivation, Process and Argument: On the Westward Relocation of Jiaotong University
作者 杨澜涛(YANG Lan-tao) 、靳小勇(JIN Xiao-yong)
中文摘要 “交通大学西迁是新中国高等教育大发展和战略布局调整的成功范例”,是中央为配合新中国工业化建设和均衡高等学校布局而实施的战略性调整。国防形势紧张是新中国成立初中央制定经济文教事业发展方针的重要背景因素,但并非交大西迁的主导要素。1956年毛泽东提出《论十大关系》要充分利用沿海工业基础思想后,周恩来仍力主交大内迁,并提出“支援西北不能变”的方针,由此促成了西北高等教育战略格局的形成,为国家开发振兴西部准备了“战略”先手。在中国共产党领导下,西迁人心系西北人民,以国家、民族的未来发展为重,扎根西部,艰苦创业,谱写的“西迁精神”成为共产党精神谱系的重要组成部分。
英文摘要 The Westward Relocation of Jiaotong University is a successful example of New China’s higher education development and strategic layout adjustment, which is in line with the central government’s decision to carry out New China’s industrial construction and balance the layout of high education throughout the country. The tense situation of national defense was an important background factor considered by the central government when make developing policies in economy, culture and education in the early years of the nation but not the dominant factor in Jiaotong University’s Westward Relocation. In 1956, after Mao Zedong put forward the idea to make full use of the coastal industrial base in On Ten Relationships, Zhou Enlai still urged the university to move in, and proposed an unalterable policy in support of the northwest, which contributed to the formation of the strategic landscape of higher education in northwest China and laid a strategic foundation for the national revitalization and development of the western region. Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, people who moved to the West putting down roots there and working hard to unite northwest people and make a great contribution to the future development of our country and nation. Their Spirit of Westward Relocation has become an important part of the Communist Party’s spiritual spectrum.
頁次 111-118
關鍵詞 交大西迁 战略调整 支援西部 西迁精神 Westward Relocation of Jiaotong University strategic adjustment supporting West China Westward-Relocation Spirit CSSCI
卷期 16:4
日期 202008
刊名 教育學報
出版單位 北京師範大學
DOI 10.14082/j.cnki.1673-1298.2020.04.013