

篇名 變革社會中國民中小學校長專業發展之研究:以南投縣校長專業發展輔導團為例
並列篇名 A Study on the Professional Development of Principals in Elementary and Junior High Schools in a Changing Society: The Case of Nantou County Principal Professional Development Advisory Team
作者 黃寶園(Bao-Yuan Huang)
中文摘要 本研究旨在探討變革社會中,國民中小學校長的專業發展情形,並以南投縣校長專業發展輔導團為例進行分析。經相關理論、研究之文獻爬梳後,本研究自編「變革社會中國民中小學校長專業發展調查問卷」,調查南投縣170位現任及退休校長,分析國民中小學校長專業發展的動機、課程需求、困境、參與的方式及評估南投縣校長專業發展輔導團之執行成效。資料蒐集後以次數分配、百分比、卡方檢定、t檢定及三因子變異數分析進行處理。結果顯示:學校發展的需求及課程具吸引力是校長參與專業發展的最主要動機;行政領導與危機管理是校長參與專業發展需求最高的課程;國家教育研究院舉辦、週一至週五上班時段辦理、問題本位的工作坊是校長最喜歡參與的專業發展方式;因校務繁忙無法抽空參與是校長參與專業發展最大的難處;南投縣校長專業發展輔導團執行有成效並獲參與校長肯定。本研究最後針對教育行政機關及國民中小學校長提出數項建議,希望對國民中小學校長專業發展制度的設計及執行有所貢獻。
英文摘要 The purpose of this study is to explore the professional development of principals in elementary and junior high schools in a changing society, using Nantou County principal professional development advisory team as an example. After a review of relevant theories, this study designed a questionnaire for the professional development of principals in elementary and junior high schools in a changing society and used it to survey 170 current and retired principals in Nantou County in order to understand the motivation, curriculum needs, difficulties, ways to participate in the professional development of elementary and junior high school principals, and to evaluate the effectiveness of the implementation of the professional development advisory team for principals in Nantou County. The data were collected and processed by frequency distribution, percentage, χ2 test, t test, and three-way ANOVA. The following is a summary of the results of the study. The needs of school development and the attraction of the curriculum are found to be the main motivations for principals to participate in professional development. The problem-based workshops held during office hours from Monday to Friday by National Academy for Educational Research are the preferred professional development approach for principals. The greatest difficulty in participating in professional development for principals is school’s busy schedule. Nantou County principal professional development advisory team has been implemented effectively and has been positively recognized by participating principals. Finally, some suggestions are put forward to the educational administration and the principals of elementary and junior high schools in the hope of contributing to the design and implementation of the professional development system for principals of elementary and junior high schools.
頁次 067-100
關鍵詞 成長工作坊 校長專業發展 校長專業發展輔導團 實施成效 growth workshop professional development system for principals principal professional development advisory team implement effectiveness TSSCI
卷期 23:3
日期 202008
刊名 教育政策論壇
出版單位 國立暨南國際大學教育政策與行政研究所
DOI 10.3966/156082982020082303003