

篇名 基于扎根理论的教师知识共享实践逻辑研究
並列篇名 Research on Teacher Knowledge Sharing Practice Logic Based on Grounded Theory
作者 赵钱森(ZHAO Qian-sen)
中文摘要 教师知识共享对促进教师专业发展具有重要意义。采取扎根理论研究方法分析教师知识共享活动,发现该活动主要受到教师的知识结构、资源配置、组织制度、共同体、核心人物五个核心类属的影响。在现实情境中,教师受到个体知识结构的影响,主要采取“穷人抱团”和“打样”的方式进行知识共享,其中核心人物的共享预期将组织制度与教师共同体连接起来,并推动教师个体的知识资源在学校内部进行配置。优化教师知识共享是提升教师专业发展的重要路径,可以构建学校知识共享制度,凝聚教师知识共享共同体;打造教师共享文化,创建平等交流学习氛围;重视核心人物引领,激发教师知识共享意愿。
英文摘要 Teacher knowledge sharing is of great significance to promote the professional development of teachers. The research adopts the grounded theory research method to analyze the teacher's knowledge sharing activities. The influencing factors of such activities include five categories: the structure of teacher knowledge, resource allocation, organizational system, community, and key persons. In fact, teacher knowledge sharing is influenced by the individual knowledge structure. Teachers mainly adopt the methods of “qiong ren bao tuan” and “da yang” for knowledge sharing. Key persons' sharing intention link the organizational system with the teacher community and promote the allocation of knowledge resources for school teachers. Optimizing teacher knowledge sharing is an important way to improve teacher professional development,we can build a school knowledge sharing system, construct a teacher knowledge sharing community; create a teacher-sharing culture,create an equal exchange earning atmosphere; pay attention to the key persons to lead and stimulate teacher knowledge sharing willingness.
頁次 072-081
關鍵詞 知识共享 组织制度 教师专业发展 扎根理论 knowledge sharing organizational system teacher professional development grounded theory CSSCI
卷期 16:4
日期 202008
刊名 教育學報
出版單位 北京師範大學
DOI 10.14082/j.cnki.1673-1298.2020.04.009