

篇名 歸根結柢:以傳統永續森林智慧作為永續發展教育的根
並列篇名 Reconnecting Native Trees and People Back to the Land: Grounding Education for Sustainable Development in the Traditional Ecological Knowledge of Sustainable Forest
作者 謝百淇(Paichi-Pat Shein) 、許云瑄(Yun-Hsuan Hsu) 、王凱倫(Kai-Lun Wang) 、貝若桑.甦給那笛米(Peresang Sukinarhimi)
中文摘要 因自然資源的枯竭和生態環境的破壞,追求永續發展的理論與實踐已成為全球的趨勢。本研究以已逾40年復育森林經驗的魯凱族家庭為個案研究,目的在於揭示傳統魯凱族生態智慧中的自然與人、自然與在地、自然與世界的關係,試圖詮釋出對教育的啓示性意義。資料來源為半結構式訪談、參與行動與觀察,以及相關報導文章,而後以內容分析法進行資料分析。研究結果顯示:依據魯凱族「真正的人」(kaumawmasane)的人格典範原則,受訪者認為樹與水源為一切生命的泉源,且是自然界完美機制的一部分,人應與之和諧共存,並以「禁忌」(tawlrisiane)限制並禁止人類可能的汙染與毀壞的行為。最後,本研究提出結論,認為個案家庭透過力求恢復山林至原始樣態,並以多元原生樹種進行植樹的行動來找回人們與土地的連結,此提供了以傳統生態知識為本的永續發展教育為守護環境的教育途徑。
英文摘要 Given the depleting natural resources and the devastated environment, the theory and practice of sustainable development have become global pursuits. This revelatory case study sought the wisdom of traditional ecological knowledge in a Western Rukai indigenous community in Pingtung, Taiwan, particularly with a family that has conducted reforestation efforts over four decades. Numerous semi-structured interviews were conducted to understand their beliefs about the human-nature relationship and the principles underlying their reforestation efforts. The results showed that for the Rukai, a “real person” believes in a symbiotic relationship with nature and reveres trees, rivers, and land to be the “sources” of life that are all part of the perfect mechanism of nature. Thus, they had taboos to regulate their behaviors and control human-made pollution. To cultivate a forest similar to those before logging, the family planted diverse and native trees back into the deforested land, and through the reforestation process, both trees and people found connection with the land. The findings provide guidelines for education on sustainable development to further advocate the value of sustainability in formal and informal educational settings.
頁次 001-042
關鍵詞 永續森林 永續發展 永續發展教育 傳統生態知識 魯凱族 sustainable forest sustainable development education for sustainable development traditional ecological knowledge Rukai TSSCI
卷期 54
日期 202006
刊名 教育學刊
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學教育學系
DOI 10.3966/156335272020060054001