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篇名 教育5.0时代:内涵、需求和挑战
並列篇名 Digital Transformation Enabling Education 5.0: Implications, Needs and Challenges
作者 董艳(DONG Yan) 、唐天奇(TANG Tianqi) 、普琳洁(PU Linjie) 、沙景荣(SHA Jingrong)
中文摘要 数字化转型开启了教育5.0时代,为教育带来新的格局、多模态学习的新体验、人机协同的新范式。文章探讨了以学习者为中心、生成式人工智能为技术支撑、智慧教育生态环境建设为依托的教育5.0的内涵、需求及面临的挑战。教育5.0强调学习的主体性、包容性、公平性、可持续性与韧性、主观能动性和团结协作性。文章通过分析教育的演进过程与阶段特征,阐释了教育5.0时代的理念升级、内容更新和方式变革,指出未来教育更应注重人本主义,关注学习者学习体验,满足其个性化和多样化需求,促进其全面发展;将数字技术整合到教育各层面,推动全方位创新与变革,推进教育优质公平与支持终身学习,形成具有开放性、适应性、个性化、自主性等特征的教育新生态。
英文摘要 Digital transformation brings new opportunities for change to education by opening up a new pattern of the Education 5.0 era with innovative experience of multi-modal learning and a new paradigm of human-computer collaboration. The article discusses the connotation, needs, and challenges of the Education 5.0 era centered on the learners, and supported by generative artificial intelligence, to construct a smart education ecosystem pathway. The article points out that the Education 5.0 era with emphases on learner subjectivity, inclusiveness, equity, sustainability and resilience, subjectivity and solidarity also has faced challenges such as the digital divide, teachers' digital literacy, and lack of educational resources. The article analyses the evolution processes and their characteristics at different stages, explains the conceptual upgrading, content updating, and methodological changes in the era of education 5.0. The article also describes that future education will focus on humanism, pay attention to the learning experience of the learners, meet their interpersonal and diversified needs, and cultivate their comprehensive competencies. Digital technology will be integrated into all levels of education, promoting all-around innovation and change, achieving quality and fairness in education, and supporting lifelong learning, forming a new era of education with openness, adaptability, personalization, and autonomy.
頁次 004-012
關鍵詞 数字化转型 教育5.0 数字技术 教育变革 主动学习 digital transformation Education 5.0 digital technology educational change active learning CSSCI
卷期 30:2
日期 202404
刊名 開放教育研究
出版單位 上海遠程教育集團、上海電視大學
DOI 10.13966/j.cnki.kfjyyj.2024.02.001