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篇名 後疫情時代成人非正規隔空學習之策進作為
並列篇名 Improving Strategies for Adults’ Non-Formal Distance Learning in the Post-Pandemic Era
作者 楊秀燕(Hsiu-Yen Yang) 、王政彥(Cheng-Yen Wang)
中文摘要 面臨社會快速變遷,成人勢必得終身學習充實相關知能,以因應瞬息萬變之挑戰。後疫情時代,隔空學習雖可克服成人終身學習之時空限制,惟亦存在一些挑戰。本文旨在探討後疫情時代成人非正規隔空學習,針對實務運作及相關研究以文獻回顧分析,綜合評述其實務運作之現況、發展趨勢及學術研究,提出策進作為包括:一、強化成人非正規隔空學習之契機;二、拓增成人共學,以補自學之不足;三、成人非正規學習成就採計宜突破籓籬;四、合宜規劃實體課程和隔空學習課程之比率。據此,期能作為成人個人、政策法規面與公、私部門等相關單位規劃成人非正規隔空學習策略之參考。
英文摘要 It is facing a rapidly changing society. Adults are bound to learn to enrich their knowledge to cope with rapidly changing challenges. In the Post-Pandemic Era, distance learning can overcome the time and space constraints of lifelong learning for adults, but there are some challenges. From the perspective of adult education administration and distance education, this article aims to explore the adults’ non-formal distance learning in the post-pandemic era. The literature review related researches and analysis of practical operations, comprehensively reviewed the current status, development trends of practical operations, academic research, and making the policy advancement. The conclusions of this study are summarized as follows: 1. To promote the opportunity for adults’ non-formal distance learning 2. To expand learning together of adults to make up for the lack of self-study. 3. To break through the barriers of adults’ non-formal learning achievement adoption. 4. To properly plan the ratio of physical courses and distance learning courses. They can be used as a reference for adults, policies and regulations, public and private sectors, and related units planning strategies of adults’ non-formal distance learning.
頁次 076-091
關鍵詞 非正規學習 後疫情時代 終身學習 隔空學習 non-formal learning post-pandemic era lifelong learning distance learning
卷期 323
日期 202103
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司
DOI 10.3966/168063602021030323006