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篇名 國中生的幸福感成長軌跡對學習成就影響之縱貫研究
並列篇名 A Longitudinal Study on the Impact of Junior High School Students’ Well-Being Growth Trajectory on Academic Achievement
作者 張芳全(Fang-Chung Chang)
中文摘要 本研究以基隆市國中生學習狀況資料庫資料,分析1,377位學生在三學期幸福感變化軌跡,並瞭解幸福感變化軌跡對學習成就的影響。幸福感區分正向及負向情緒,而學習成就包括國文、英語及數學學習成績,經過描述統計、積差相關係數、單因子重複量數的變異數分析與潛在成長模式分析,研究顯示:國中生的正向情緒變化軌跡呈直線式上升,而負向情緒呈直線下降趨勢,八年級下學期正向情緒最低,九年級下學期正向情緒最高。八年級與九年級生在正向與負向情緒有明顯差異。國中生幸福感變化軌跡對於學習成就有提升效果。本研究貢獻在於追蹤國中生幸福感對學習成就的影響,負向情緒變化呈直線下降,正向情緒呈現上升,對學習成就皆有提升作用。針對結論深入討論提出建議。
英文摘要 The study aims to analyze the growth trajectory of happiness. by using data of 1,377 students during the three semesters from the learning status database of junior high school students in Keelung city, and to understand the impact of the growth trajectory of well-being on academic achievement. The well-being is distinguished between positive and negative emotions, and academic achievements including Chinese, English and mathematics academic achievements. The descriptive statistics, correlation coefficient, repeated measures analysis of variance, and the latent growth model were used, the conclusions were as follows: The growth trajectory of positive emotions of junior high school students showed a linear upward trend, while negative emotions showed a linear downward trend, and the positive emotions were the lowest in the second semester of the eighth grade, the positive emotions were the highest in the second semester of the ninth grade. There were significant differences between eighth graders and ninth graders in positive emotions and negative emotions respectively. The growth trajectory of junior high school students’ sense of well-being can improve academic achievement. The characteristic of this study was to track the impact of junior high school students’ well-being on academic achievement. The growth of negative emotions has plummeted, while the growth of positive emotions has increased, which had an effect on improving academic achievement. Suggestions for in-depth discussion of conclusions.
頁次 111-142
關鍵詞 正向情緒 幸福感 負向情緒 潛在成長模式 學習成就 positive emotions well-being negative emotions latent growth model academic achievement TSSCI
卷期 47:1
日期 202403
刊名 教育與心理研究
出版單位 國立政治大學教育學院
DOI 10.53106/102498852024034701004