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篇名 小學教師實踐學習共同體的心路歷程之經驗敘說-詮釋現象學取徑
並列篇名 Experience of an Elementary School Teacher’s Inner Journey in Implementing a School as a Learning Community through Hermeneutic Phenomenology
作者 汪明怡(Ming-Yi Wang)
中文摘要 本研究主旨在於以一位國民小學教師實踐學習共同體之困境與面對遭遇之經驗故事,以詮釋現象學取徑,窺探實踐學習共同體哲學觀於教學現場。教師由「自覺:黎明前的寂靜,教學轉變前奏曲」、「覺知:晨曦初現,決定朝向學習共同體之路」、「覺察:曙光乍現,『經驗』學習共同體」、「覺醒:朝霞滿天,教師信念的轉變」、「覺悟:日出東方,落實學習共同體相關理論」之內心旅程。敘說過程為研究者道出與學習共同體之相遇,洞察日本教育現場與回國後實踐歷程中關鍵事件,依整體-內容之自我敘說方式進行書寫,接續以反向思考法,進行關鍵事件之反思。研究者於敘說師生互動間經驗故事,引導國小教師朝向成為一位師生共學的聆聽者、師生共學的串聯者、自我反思的學習者、生生協同學習的規劃者,給予未來師生課堂互動關係之處方性建議。
英文摘要 This study examines the challenges and experiences an elementary school teacher encountered while implementing the concept of school as a learning community. In this study, teaching scenes and the inner journey were analyzed and inspected with the approach of hermeneutic phenomenology. The teacher’s inner journey unfolded through several phases: “Self-awareness: Silence before dawn, prelude to the transformation of teachingˮ, “Awareness: The first light of morning, deciding the path towards the school as learning communityˮ, “Awareness: The first light of dawn, ‘experiencing’ the school as school as learning communityˮ, “Awakening: The morning glow filling the sky, the change of the teacher’s beliefs”, and “Enlightenment: The sunrise in the east, implementing theories related to school as a learning community.ˮ Throughout this study, the researcher shows how she became acquainted with the concept of school as a learning community, observed teaching scenes in Japan, and integrated the key events into her own teaching practice. The process of adopting the school as a learning community concept was documented through self-narration from a holistic to a detailed content perspective. The composition of categories and content, along with reflection on pivotal events, was achieved through the analyzation of hermeneutic phenomenology. The researcher’s goal was to leverage narrative accounts of stories and experiences from teacher-student interactions to guide elementary school teachers toward becoming listeners during teacher-student co-learning, bridges for student-teacher collaborative learning, learners through self-reflection, and organizers of cooperative learning among students. This approach aims to provide elementary school teachers with effective suggestions for future student-teacher interactions in the classroom.
頁次 035-062
關鍵詞 詮釋現象學 經驗敘說 學習共同體 hermeneutic phenomenology narrative inquiry school as learning community TSSCI
卷期 37:1
日期 202404
刊名 教育實踐與研究
出版單位 國立臺北教育大學