

篇名 學生道德情意展現之質性探究及其教育意涵
並列篇名 A Qualitative Inquiry on Students’ Performance on Affective Morality and Its Educational Implications
作者 李琪明(Chi-Ming Lee)
中文摘要 本研究聚焦廣義道德情意,融合道德情感、道德同理、道德認同與道德關懷四個多元面向的情意元素,藉由焦點團體與個別訪談的質性探究,期以勾勒臺灣中學以上參與學生之道德情意展現與特點。研究結果顯示:一、參與者之情感觸動有其共通性且會與道德聯結,但因親疏關係及對議題認知而有所差異;二、參與者易展現一般同理的換位思考,但道德同理及其對脈絡的多元理解深度較不易彰顯;三、參與者在自我認同中面對價值優劣比較時易產生混淆,對於群體的道德認同則因其經驗和轉化能力而有差異;四、參與者針對社會議題可提出多元策略,但較缺乏關懷關係的建立,且其道德承諾與實踐動力會因親疏、年齡、性別與情境而有所影響。另本研究針對個別訪談研究結果,描繪參與者的道德情意展現及其整體關係圖像。最後,基於反身性方法論,提出討論反思,以及對於品德教育的建議。
英文摘要 This paper focuses on a generalized meaning of affective morality, which involves the affective elements of emotions, empathy, identity, and caring in their moral dimensions. It uses the qualitative methods of focus groups and individual interviews to explore the performance of Taiwanese students on affective morality. The results revealed that the following: (1) Common traits were found in the participants' moral emotions; however, differences were recorded between close-knit and unfamiliar groups; (2) participants exhibited empathy, but tended to lack moral empathy and depth in the context of social issues; (3) because of the lack of personal experience in the field and in narrating the stories of role models, participants often felt confused by multiple value comparisons and did not establish firm moral identities; and (4) participants readily suggested multiple strategies for resolving social issues, but they often neglected the importance of caring relationships. Because of moral disengagement and other uncontrollable factors, these suggestions could not be fully realized. Furthermore, in accordance with the results of individual interviews, this paper outlines the participants’ affective moralities and their overall relationships. Finally, by using a reflexive methodology, this paper proposes relevant discussions and recommendations for character and moral education.
頁次 075-110
關鍵詞 個別訪談 焦點團體 道德情意 質性探究 individual interview focus group affective morality qualitative inquiry TSSCI
卷期 54
日期 202006
刊名 教育學刊
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學教育學系
DOI 10.3966/156335272020060054003