

篇名 雙語教育實踐的要素:雙語教師專業學習社群之運作與功能初探
並列篇名 A Key Element of Realizing Bilingual Education: A Preliminary Study of Exploring the Characters and Functions of Professional Learning Community for Bilingual Teachers
作者 林子斌(Tzu-Bin Lin)
中文摘要 在雙語國家政策影響下,臺灣的學校系統需要進行相對應之改變。本文在此一脈絡下,提出教師專業學習社群作為一個回應政策改變之有效策略,可協助公立國中小推動雙語教育。文中首先說明雙語政策對國中小學校教育造成之影響與現狀,其次,由國內外文獻說明教師專業學習社群之內涵與一般教師專業學習社群特徵,最後,筆者提出為協助雙語教育而進行之教師專業學習社群必須具備之特色與需注意之面向,以期能提供正在推動雙語教育的學校作為參考。
英文摘要 The schooling system in Taiwan is facing a need to change under the impact of bilingual nation policy. This paper aims at proposing the teachers’ professional learning community as a feasible means to realize the vision of bilingual education in public junior and primary schools. The influence of bilingual policy on schooling is firstly addressed. Then, the concept of professional learning community is discussed with reference to both international and local literature. Some characters of the professional learning community of bilingual teachers are provided for those schools as a framework to better respond to the policy.
頁次 004-014
關鍵詞 英語教師 專業學習社群 學科教師 雙語教育 English teachers professional learning communit subject teachers bilingual education y
卷期 327
日期 202107
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司
DOI 10.53106/168063602021070327001