

篇名 英國系統領導與臺灣聘任督學政策:當代教育治理趨勢的異地發展
並列篇名 System Leadership in England and Consultant Supervisors in Taiwan: The Exotic Development Under the Trend of the Contemporary Educational Governance
作者 陳宏彰(Hung-Chang Chen)
中文摘要 隨著當代全球治理趨勢逐漸從階層式中央政府控管轉向強調專業自主的自我治理模式,強調由專業人士來帶領專業人士以促進系統性變革的系統領導概念,也日漸受到西方先進國家的倡議與重視,並應用於教育行政等公共服務領域,其中尤以英國更具代表性。本文旨在分析英國系統領導政策演進中的延續與變遷,藉以觀察臺灣日漸興起的聘任督學政策,據以分析其中的系統領導特性。為此,本文以文件與文獻分析進行資料蒐集與分析,並輔以研究者初步訪談觀察資料。研究發現,由臺灣地方教育行政機關自發而生的聘任督學政策,具有跨組織之領導與協作的系統領導特性,且對於教育領導人的運用愈益強調跨校協作的性質。本文認為,這種跨校性領導協作、經驗轉化及政策興革的創新行政作為,反映出系統領導在全球治理趨勢下的異地發展。
英文摘要 Along with the trend of contemporary global governance away from hierarchical control by the central government to professional self-governance, the concept of system leadership that emphasizes that systemic change drives from the leading of professionals by professionals has been advocated by advanced western countries, and applied to various fields of educational administration and public services. This is especially the case of England in the UK. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the continuity and change of the System Leadership policy in England, so as to observe the rising policy of Consultant Supervisors in Taiwan, and to analyze the system leadership characteristics in it. To this end, this paper draws upon the data from documents and literature analysis, supplemented by preliminary interview and observation by the researcher. Research found that the policy of Consultant Supervisors, which originated spontaneously from the local education authorities in Taiwan, has been characterized of systematic leadership that emphasizes cross-organization leadership and collaboration. It is found that the employment of educational leaders is increasingly emphasizing cross-school collaboration. This paper contends that such innovative initiatives as cross- school leadership collaboration, experience transformation and policy engagement reflect the exotic development of system leadership under the global governance trend.
頁次 045-063
關鍵詞 系統領導 系統領導政策 英國 異地發展 聘任督學 system leadership system leadership policies England exotic development consultant supervisors
卷期 327
日期 202107
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司
DOI 10.53106/168063602021070327004