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篇名 高等教育在危機之中:臺灣重要高教政策推動之現況、問題與對策分析
並列篇名 Higher Education in Crisis: Current Status, Problems, and Strategies of Implementing Higher Education Policies in Taiwan
作者 王如哲(Ru-Jer Wang) 、劉秀曦(Hsiu-Hsi Liu) 、楊正誠(Cheng-Cheng Yang) 、李家宗(Chia-Tsung Lee)
中文摘要 在政府和民間共同努力下,臺灣的高等教育入學機會已有顯著提升,但與此同時,一則由於政府資源投入尚未能符合大學卓越發展的需求,另方面在人才供給與產業需求上亦出現落差現象,以致外界開始質疑國內各項高等教育政策執行成效。因此,為構建我國高等教育發展願景,實有必要先就高等教育重要政策之執行現況加以梳理後,再就衍生問題與可能危機進行分析,並據此謀求因應之道。為求聚焦,本文將內容扣緊於國內高等教育系統中所出現的逆向所得重分配、機構資源階層化、人才培育失衡與流失,以及國際競爭力下滑等備受社會關注之四大發展危機,期能透過本文提出之建議,以我國現階段高等教育成就為基礎,進一步擘劃未來發展的正確方向。
英文摘要 The joint efforts of government and the private sectors improved higher education admission opportunities of Taiwan. On the one hand, the inconsistency between resource investment and the need for excellence, and on the other hand, the divide between supply and demand of talents produced by higher education institutions enlarged. The public voices of the Taiwanese society started to question the effectiveness of higher education polices. Therefore, in order to construct visions of higher education development, it is necessary to review important higher education polices in Taiwan and to analyze problems and potential crisis of higher education. And thus we can generate coping strategies. In order to be focused, this article highlighted four developmental crisis of higher education in Taiwan: reverse distribution of income, stratification of institutional resource, unbalance and losing of talents, and the decline of international competitiveness. In the final section of this article, policy suggestions are offered for prospects of higher education based on current achievements of higher education in Taiwan.
頁次 084-100
關鍵詞 人才培育 逆向所得重分配 高等教育 國際競爭力 教育階層化 talent preparation reverse income redistribution higher education international competitiveness educational stratification
卷期 314
日期 202006
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司
DOI 10.3966/168063602020060314006