

篇名 “互联网+1+X”技术技能人才培养机制构建研究
並列篇名 Study on the Training Mechanism of “Internet+1+X” Technical Skills Talents
作者 张培(Zhang Pei) 、夏海鹰(Xia Haiying)
中文摘要 以复合型技术技能人才培养模式改革创新为核心的1+X证书制度即“学历证书+职业技能等级证书”,必须融入当前“互联网+”的时代背景并遵循“互联网+”的发展理念和技术路径。该文首先分析了“互联网+”、1+X证书制度内涵,并基于二者在人才培养方面隐含的质量、标准、开放、融合的价值取向和耦合逻辑,构建了“互联网+1+X”技术技能人才培养机制框架,阐释了其运行逻辑等。在此基础上,该文有侧重地提出了一些对策建议,认为应以智慧教育方向为支撑提高职教育人能效、以目标融合互嵌为理念优化人才培养模式、以多元互动协同为思路创新产教融合机制、以标准互联互通为目标建立国家资历框架、以动态评价管理为手段建设质量保障体系等,以期为“互联网+”背景下职业教育1+X证书制度有效落地提供理论参考和实践指导。
英文摘要 As the core of the reform and innovation of the training mode of compound technical and skilled talents, “Certificate of Academic Degree + Certificate of Certain Vocational Skills Grades” abbreviated as 1+X certificate system must be integrated into the current “Internet +” era background and follow the development concept and technical path of “Internet +”. First of all, this paper analyzes the connotation of “Internet +” and 1+X certificate system. Secondly, this paper sets forth the quality, standard, openness, integration value orientation and coupling logic of the two party in personnel training, then constructs the framework of “Internet+1+X” technical skills personnel training mechanism, and explains its logical connotation. At last, this paper puts forward some operable implementation strategies, such as to improve the quality and efficiency of vocational education under the guidance of the direction of intelligent education, to optimize the personnel training mode with the idea of multi-dimensional integration and mutual embedding, to innovate the mechanism of production and education integration with the idea of multi-agents interaction and coordination, to establish the national qualification framework with the goal of standard interconnection, and to build quality assurance system with the means of dynamic evaluation management, etc. The aim is to provide theoretical reference and practical guidance for effective landing of vocational education 1+X certificate system under the background of “Internet +”.
頁次 015-020
關鍵詞 “互联网+” 1+X证书制度 技术技能人才 培养机制 实施方略 “Internet+” 1+X Certificate System Technical Skills Talents Personnel Training Mechanism Implementation Strategy CSSCI
卷期 397
日期 202002
刊名 中國電化教育
出版單位 中國電化教育雜誌社