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篇名 研究誠信融入技職型高中實作型自主學習的教育實踐與反思
並列篇名 Integrating Research Integrity into Hands-on Self-directed Learning in a Technical High School: Teaching Practices and Reflections
作者 黃瑞菘(Jui-Sung Huang)
中文摘要 本文主要在探討如何將研究誠信(research integrity)教育融入技職型高中實作型的自主學習教學當中,並從教學實踐的歷程反思,討論實作誠信原則融入自主學習過程的教材與教法技巧。筆者於技職型高中進行一學期的教學實踐,並於教學實踐後進行省思,包括建立認知、學習表現、學習心態、課堂教學互動、學習記錄與學習成果六大面向。文末,筆者總結教育實踐與省思,建議技職型高中教師若欲將研究誠信融入相關課程,可編寫適合的實作誠信手冊,並將實作誠信原則與實踐方法融入學習過程,經由實作過程鼓勵學生遵守實作誠信原則的習慣與態度,進而深化自主性誠信省思,真實呈現自我特色,建立專業職能終身學習的實作誠信素養。
英文摘要 This teaching practice research focuses on adding research integrity educational content to hands-on self-directed learning in a technical high school. The author conducted a teaching practice for one semester and reflected on his own teaching from six perspectives: knowledge building, learning performance, learning attitude, classroom interaction, note taking, and learning outcome. The research concludes with practical suggestions for teachers, including developing an integrity handbook for technical high school students, encouraging students to form a habit of practicing research integrity in their hand-on learning, deepening self-reflection and presenting oneself honestly, and cultivating the integrity competencies for their professional and lifelong learning.
頁次 037-048
關鍵詞 自主學習 技職型高中 研究誠信 教學實踐 self-directed learning technical high school research integrity teaching practice
卷期 341
日期 202209
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司
DOI 10.53106/168063602022090341003