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篇名 以SDGs為核心的大學課程革新:課程理念與實踐的對話
並列篇名 The Study on the Innovation of University Curriculum With SDGs as the Core: Dialogue Between Curriculum Idea and Practice
作者 楊智穎(Chih-Ying Yang)
中文摘要 為解決社會變遷快速且充滿不確定性所帶來的永續發展問題,SDGs已成為世界各國訂定相關政策的重要依據,而大學在知識創新及推廣方面又因扮演相當重要的角色,理所當然成為實踐SDGs的重要基地。近年國內在高等教育中落實SDGs較受矚目的政策,當屬教育部所推動的「大學社會責任實踐」計畫。基於上述,本研究除了探討以SDGs為核心的大學課程理念及設計原則,同時以國立屏東大學「大學社會責任實踐」計畫下設置之跨領域學分學程中的一門課程「教育議題專題」為例,透過在該課程中落實SDGs的實踐,並進行反省,再與本研究所建構的課程理念進行對話後,提出未來在大學課程中實踐SDGs的建議。
英文摘要 In order to solve the sustainable development problems brought about by rapid and uncertain social changes, SDGs has become an important basis for many countries around the world to make relevant policies. Because universities play a key role in knowledge innovation and promotion, it is undoubtedly an important base for practicing SDGs. In recent years, the “University Social Responsibility” project promoted by the Ministry of Education has become the most prominent policy for the implementation of SDGs in domestic higher education. Based on the above, in addition to exploring the concept and design principles of university curriculum with SDGs as the core, this study also take “Educational Issues” as an example. Through a dialogue between with the ideas and the practice, the study provided some suggestions for future practice of SDGs in university courses.
頁次 020-033
關鍵詞 大學社會責任 永續發展目標 課程實踐 university social responsibility sustainable development goals curriculum practice
卷期 347
日期 202303
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司
DOI 10.53106/168063602023030347002