

篇名 “互联网+”背景下宪法国民教育新态:特征、目标与转向
並列篇名 The New State of Constitutional National Education under “Internet+”: Connotation, Goal and Turn
作者 翟翌(Zhai Yi) 、王霞萍(Wang Xiaping)
中文摘要 政府主导推进下的宪法教育取得显著成就,但在推进过程中凸显出的教育内容不全面、教育对象覆盖面窄、教育主体单一、教育形式不丰富等问题,影响了宪法教育成效的进一步提升。以互联网为代表的现代信息技术与宪法教育的跨界融合,既可实现教育规模的全民性、终身性,又可实现教育模式的多元化、个性化,从而提升宪法国民教育实效,培养宪法信仰。“互联网+”宪法国民教育将促进灵活、开放、互助、终身、个性化宪法教育体系的构建,对宪法教育的主体、模式、对象等产生系统性变革,成为培养具有行权担责意识和能力的法治公民的创新手段。
英文摘要 The constitutional education under the leadership of the government has made remarkable achievements. However, the educational content highlighted in the process of promotion is not comprehensive. The coverage of educational objects is narrow, the subject of education is single, and the form of education is not rich, which have affected the further improvement of the effectiveness of constitutional education. The cross-border integration of modern information technology and constitutional education represented by the Internet can not only realize the nationality and life-long training of education scale, but also realize the diversification and individualization of education mode, thereby improving the effectiveness of constitutional national education and cultivating constitutional beliefs. The “Internet+” constitutional national education will promote the construction of a flexible, open, mutual aid, lifelong and individualized constitutional education system, and has systematically changed the subject, object, mode, of constitutional education, and has become an innovative means of cultivating rule of law citizens with the sense of responsibility and ability to exercise responsibility.
頁次 021-029
關鍵詞 “互联网+” 宪法国民教育 教育目标 教育转向 “Internet+” Constitutional National Education Educational Goal Educational Turn CSSCI
卷期 397
日期 202002
刊名 中國電化教育
出版單位 中國電化教育雜誌社