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篇名 延續與創新:芬蘭教育評鑑中心之時代功能
並列篇名 Heritage and Innovation: The Function of Finnish Education Evaluation Centre
作者 劉豫鳳(Yvonne Yu-Feng Liu)
中文摘要 芬蘭在國際教育評比中擁有亮眼之表現,在教育發展中亦有其特殊脈絡背景。該國於2014年整併三個教育評鑑相關機構,創立芬蘭教育評鑑中心,試圖藉由一統後的評鑑機構,在該國教育持續改革之際,提供更為完整且多元的功能。本文之目的,在於說明芬蘭教育評鑑中心試圖延續脈絡傳統,並在當代發揮創新之功能。首先說明芬蘭教育評鑑脈絡,接著簡介芬蘭評鑑中心之組織、任務與運作成效,並分析機構運作之傳承與創新內涵,最後以弓與箭之意象,說明芬蘭教育評鑑中心在該國教育發展中可能呈現的功能。
英文摘要 Finland has its own contextual features in the process of educational development and presents the distinguish outcome in international assessments. In 2014, three educational evaluation institutions merged into one and the Finnish Education Evaluation Centre (FINEEC) was established. The mission of FINEEC is to offer integrated and multifunctional supports via one unified institution in the development process of educational reforms. The purpose of this article is to introduce the historical background of educational evaluation in Finland and to present the function of FINEEC in Finnish contemporary educational system. The article begins by presenting the context of evaluation in Finnish education system. It then goes on to introduce the organization of FINEEC and discuss how this institution passes down the historical background and creates the new tasks in the new era. A metaphor of bow and arrow is used to presents the function of FINEEC in the end of the article.
頁次 157-169
關鍵詞 芬蘭 品質保證 教育評鑑 Finland quality assurance educational evaluation
卷期 313
日期 202005
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司
DOI 10.3966/168063602020050313011