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篇名 運用問題導向學習的架構提升資源班教學品質:以個別化工作系統與增強策略落實差異化教學實務為例
並列篇名 The Application of Problem-Based Learning to Strengthen Practices in Resource Rooms: Utilizing Individual Work Systems and Individualized Reinforcement to Improve Differentiated Instruction
作者 王玫惠(Mei-Hui Wang) 、林姵瑜(Pei-Yu Lin) 、陳健民(Chien-Min Chen) 、蕭文翊(Wen-Yi Hsiao) 、陳佩玉(Pei-Yu Chen)
中文摘要 當資源班同組學生的能力、需求,或就讀年級有高度的個別差異時(亦即高異質性小組),教師常以部分直接教學搭配學習單練習的方式,教導不同能力或不同年級的學生。但這樣的安排,可能使部分學生實際參與學習的時間被壓縮。為提升資源班教師的教學效能,本文作者依循問題導向學習的架構與步驟,從聚焦問題、文獻搜尋、討論與調整教學方案,擬定並實際執行教學方案以解決前述教學實務困境。本文記錄如何聚焦於個別化工作系統與增強作為教學方案的歷程,並說明執行教學方案後學生學習行為的變化情形。
英文摘要 When students with heterogeneous abilities, needs, and grades receive instruction in the same group, resource room teachers usually ask students to work on worksheets after the teachers’ direct instruction. This arrangement, however, might minimize the learning time of some students with disabilities. To increase instructional efficacy, the authors applied the framework and steps of Problem-Based Learning, including targeting the problem, searching for literature, discussing and adjusting the intervention strategies, and generating and implementing the interventions. The authors described the rationale of applying the individual work system and individualized reinforcement as the intervention strategies. The changes in the students’ behavior were described in the manuscript.
頁次 013-022
關鍵詞 高異質性小組 差異化教學 結構化教學 個別化工作系統 heterogeneous group differentiated instruction TEACCH individual work system
卷期 164
日期 202209
刊名 特殊教育季刊
出版單位 中華民國特殊教育學會
DOI 10.6217/SEQ.202209_(164).13-22