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篇名 跨領域教學案例探析:以性平議題融入數學為例
並列篇名 Exploring and Exemplifying an Interdisciplinary Teaching: A Case Study of the Integration of Gender Equity Education into Mathematics
作者 鄭章華(Chang-Hua Chen)
中文摘要 自九年一貫課程實施至十二年國民基本教育,議題融入一直是課程改革的重要向度,希冀提供學習者跨領域統整的學習機會,進行探究思辨、價值澄清、社會行動等。然而,議題融入轉化至教學現場,特別是升學考試科目(例如數學),往往流於形式。其中一個可能原因在於議題融入在這些科目並未受到應有的重視,再者,缺乏相關的教學案例提供教師參考。因此,本文論述議題融入對於數學教學的重要性與益處,有助於學習者在真實情境中習得數學概念和體會數學的價值,並進一步聚焦在性別平等議題上。本文以官方發布的性平教學模組為案例,從「問題覺知、辯證反思、價值形塑、實踐行動」面向,探析性別平等議題融入數學教學的可行做法,期能作為數學教師或教科書編者進行跨領域課程設計之指引參考。
英文摘要 Integrating issue education into subjects has been a critical dimension of the educational reforms from Grade 1-9 Curriculum to 12-year Basic Education. This type of educational reform expects to provide students with opportunities for interdisciplinary learning, engaging in conceptual inquiry, value clarification, and social actions. However, it has almost vanished when implementing and integrating into subjects, especially in mathematics or science, because subject teachers do not recognize its importance and benefits for student learning. Besides, teachers do not have practical and enough teaching materials. Therefore, this essay tries to explain and exemplify the importance and benefits of integrating issue education into mathematics teaching, which focuses on gender equity education. It expects to contribute to mathematics teachers’ and textbook composers’ compilation of teaching materials.
頁次 092-105
關鍵詞 性別平等教育 跨領域課程 議題融入 Gender equity education interdisciplinary curriculum issue integration
卷期 316
日期 202008
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司
DOI 10.3966/168063602020080316006