

篇名 如何培養多元創新的教育人才?-「卓越學程」驅動
並列篇名 How to Cultivate Talented and Creative Educators ─ The Initiation of “Toward Excellence Learning Program”
作者 吳武典(Wu-Tien Wu)
中文摘要 國家建設需要多元創新的卓越人才,教育建設需要專業優質的教師。隨著社會的快速變遷,無論是教育界的教師遴聘或是企業界的人才拔擢,具備「一技之長」已經不夠,今日社會更需要的是擁有「多元專長」、「卓越創新」的跨世紀人才。職司教育人才培育的師範校院,除了肩負師資養成的使命外,更關心今日的優秀學子,踏入社會後是否仍具有卓越的競爭力。顯然,我們必須未雨綢繆,及早整備戰力。基此,有賴藉由跨學系、跨領域的資源整合,開設能提升自我能力且有實用價值的「卓越人才培育學程」(簡稱「卓越學程」),提供同學們在原來專門業領域外,有「特殊專長」的修煉機會,在離校前得以充實實力,離校後得不負初衷,圓其「教育美夢」。茲根據筆者的構思和經驗,嘗試規劃四席大餐(四套卓越學程),提供全校學生自由選修享用,冀望以卓越學程驅動人才培育。這些卓越學程分別為:(1) 創造力發展學程;(2) 數位學習學程;(3) 教育領導與管理學程;(4) 多元才能評量學程。各學程修足二十學分後,可取得證書或專長注記,將有利於未來就業或進修。
英文摘要 National development relies on creative human talents, while educational development is in need of quality teachers. Along with rapid social changes, a high quality professional is no more enough to be equipped with one talent. What are needed in the modern society are professionals with creativity and multi-talent. Teacher education institutions are responsible for human development; in addition to provide good pre-service teacher education, their graduates perform well in the real world must be concerned and prepared in advance. Therefore, a cross-field cross-department learning program designed for perspective teachers during their college year could enhance their abilities as a quality teacher. The “Toward Excellence Learning Program” (TELP) is thus designed, which could enrich perspective teachers’ specific knowledge and skills beside their original major. This is good for self-growth as well as future job hunting and competition. Based on the author’s thought and experience, the proposed TELP consists four sets of courses for perspectives teachers, i.e., Creativity Development, Digital Learning, Educational Leadership and Management, and Multiple Talents Assessment. There are 20 credit-hours for each set of TEIP. A certificate will be offered after completing a set of TEIP. It is believed that this program will help the student’s future work performance and advanced studies.
頁次 001-010
關鍵詞 多元才能 創新 卓越學程 數位學習 教育領導 multiple talents creativity Toward Excellence Learning Program (TELP) digital learning educational leadership
卷期 151
日期 201912
刊名 資優教育季刊
出版單位 中華民國特殊教育學會
DOI 10.6218/GEQ.201912_(151).1-10