

篇名 新版「金融人才特質測驗」之發展
並列篇名 The Development of New Financial Character Traits Test
作者 陳柏熹(Po-Hsi Chen) 、蘇少祖(Shao-Zu Su) 、楊博凱(Po-Kai Yang)
中文摘要 金融產業與國家安定及人民的財產管理息息相關,因此金融從業人員不僅需要具備金融理財專業知識,更需要有特殊的人格特質。隨著數位化的浪潮來襲,銀行提出Bank3.0以因應此一趨勢,金融人才所需要的特質逐漸有所轉變。本研究旨在發展因應數位金融趨勢下的新版「金融人才特質測驗」,研究者先邀請業界人資部門代表進行專家訪談並進行德懷術取得共識,擬定測驗架構,包含:積極主動、細心謹慎、溝通說服、果決迅速、親和同理、誠信真誠、熱心服務、開放合群、穩定抗壓等九大向度特質,再以此架構設計75題試題,並施測蒐集1,388份有效樣本,資料分析採用傳統測驗理論與試題反應理論合併考量的方式進行,最終保留60題為新版「金融人才特質測驗」。傳統測驗理論之驗證性因素分析結果顯示,適配度指標(X²/df=4.39、RMSEA=.05、CFI=.92、TLI=.92)良好,平均因素負荷量為.68,九向度特質的組合/構念信度介於.80~.89之間,均高於.60的標準,顯示組合/構念信度佳,平均變異數萃取量介於.41~.54,部分特質未達Fornell與Larcker(1981)所提的>.50標準,顯示試題上還有優化調整的空間。試題反應理論分析結果顯示,題目的模式符合度Infit MnSq介於0.59~1.38之間,Outfit MnSq介於0.53~1.42之間,大部分的題目適配度皆為合理適配,僅2題略超出標準。其他效度證據顯示,金融主管認定的各職務別理想特質與現職金融人員之真實特質符合程度皆高於6成。總結本研究所發展新版「金融人才特質測驗」之信、效度尚可,可做為未來金融人才就職前認識自我特質的初步測量工具,供金融業界做參考。
英文摘要 Financial practitioners not only need to have professional knowledge of financial management, but also need to have special character traits. With the trend of digitalization, banks have proposed Bank 3.0 to cope with the change in this trend, and the financial character traits are gradually changing. The purpose of this research is to develop the new “Financial Character Traits Test” in response to the trend of digital finance. We first invited representatives of the bank’s human resources department to conduct expert interview and Delphi technique to reach a consensus, and to formulate a test framework , including Proactive, Careful, Stable and pressure-resistant, Communication and persuasion, Honesty and sincerity, Enthusiastic service, Decisiveness and promptness, Affinity and empathy, Open and gregarious, a total of nine characteristics. The 75 questions were designed and 1,388 valid samples were collected. Finally, 60 questions are reserved for the new Financial Character Traits Test. The data analysis adopted classical test theory and item response theory. The results of confirmatory factor analysis showed that the fit indices (X²/df = 4.39、RMSEA = .05、CFI = .92、TLI = .92) was good, and the average factor loading was .68, the composite reliability of the nine-dimensional trait were from .80 to .89, and the average variance extracted were form .41 to .54. The results of the item response theory analysis showed that Infit MnSq were from 0.59 to 1.38, and Outfit MnSq were from 0.53 to 1.42. Most of the items were reasonably fit. Other validity evidence shows that the ideal characteristics of each position identified by financial supervisors were in line with the real characteristics of current financial personnel by more than 60%. It is concluded that the new “Financial Character Traits Test” developed by this research can be used as a preliminary measurement tool for future financial talents to recognize their own characteristics before taking up employment.
頁次 001-051
關鍵詞 金融人才 特質測驗 試題反應理論 德懷術 驗證性因素分析 confirmatory factor analysis Delphi technique Financial Character Traits Test financial talents item response theory TSSCI
卷期 71:1
日期 202403
刊名 測驗學刊
出版單位 中國測驗學會、心理出版社