

篇名 探究為本的國中歷史教學實作:以芬蘭一間國際文憑學校課室為例
並列篇名 Practicing an Inquiry-Based History Teaching and Learning: A Case Study of an IBMYP Classroom in Finland
作者 陳玟樺(Wen-Hua Chen) 、劉美慧(Meihui Liu)
中文摘要 以探究為本的方法在歷史課堂上日漸受到重視,本研究以一向重視探究為本教學的國際文憑學校為研究場域,理解以探究為本的歷史課程設計理念與實作歷程。本研究採個案研究法,以芬蘭赫爾辛基一間具國際文憑課程認證的公立學校為研究場域,聚焦於一間八年級課室,透過觀察、訪談與文件分析等方法蒐集資料。研究發現:(一)以探究為本的歷史課程設計理念,在於培養學生對歷史知識本質的理解與引導個人作為歷史參與者的重要性。(二)師生以「歷史史料、歷史寫作、歷史解釋與判思」為探究模式核心,重視知識的運用、歷史思維的掌握,以及試圖界定歷史產生的知識性質等,朝向高層次認知歷程和結構性概念的探究。本研究最後針對探究為本的歷史教學提出數項建議,提供臺灣推動十二年國教素養導向歷史教學之參考。
英文摘要 The inquiry-based approach has received increasing attention in history teaching recently. This study applied a case study in an International Baccalaureate public school in Finland to explore its related philosophy and practice on history teaching. The research tools used included observation, interview, and document analysis to collect data in an eighth-grade classroom. The results showed two key findings. First, the design of its philosophy lies in the importance of developing students' understanding of the nature of historical knowledge and guiding each individual as a participant in history. Secondly, both teachers and students all applied "historical materials, writing, interpretation and reflection" as the core of this inquiry-based teaching and learning model. They also tried to approach a higher-order thinking and conceptual organization by utilizing historical knowledge, thinking, and defining the nature of knowledge. This study, too, provides several suggestions for the inquiry-based teaching and learning for the history curriculum in Taiwan.
頁次 059-088
關鍵詞 探究為本 歷史思維 芬蘭教育 國際文憑課程 inquiry-based historical thinking Finland education International Baccalaureate TSSCI
卷期 23:4
日期 202010
刊名 課程與教學
出版單位 中華民國課程與教學學會
DOI 10.6384/CIQ.202010_23(4).0003