

篇名 新北市國中生英語學習文化資本、英語學習焦慮與動機之研究
並列篇名 A Study of Cultural Capital, English Learning Anxiety, English Learning Motivation of Junior High School Student in New Taipei City
作者 張芳全(Fang-Chung Chang) 、詹雨璇(Yu-Hsuan Chan)
中文摘要 本研究旨在探討新北市國中生在英語學習文化資本、英語學習焦慮與英語學習動機之關係,以分層隨機對新北市國二生進行母群體抽樣,共抽出880名樣本,並自編英語學習焦慮量表、英語學習文化資本量表與英語學習動機量表,透過迴歸分析獲得結論如下:一、女生整體英語學習焦慮高於男生;二、英語學習文化資本對於英語學習焦慮有顯著預測力;三、女生整體英語學習動機明顯高於男生;高社經地位家庭學生英語學習動機明顯高於低社經地位家庭學生;四、高家長教育期望學生英語學習動機明顯高於低家長教育期望學生;英語學習文化資本對英語學習動機有提升效果;五、學生英語測驗焦慮愈高,英語學習動機愈低,然而學生的英語負面評價恐懼愈高,英語學習動機愈高;六、學生的背景變項、英語學習文化資本透過英語學習焦慮對於英語學習動機有部分中介效果。
英文摘要 The study aims to understand the relationships among junior high school of New Taipei City students’ cultural capital, English learning anxiety and motivation. Our study employed stratified random sampling to select junior high school students in New Taipei City, and the total sample numbers were 880. The questionnaire for the student English learning anxiety scale, cultural capital for English learning scale and student English learning motivation scale were designed by the researcher. The study used regression analysis to test hypotheses. The following conclusions were results of the survey: 1. Female students had high anxiety in learning English than male ones. 2. Cultural capital had a significant impact on students’ English learning anxiety. 3. Female students had stronger English learning motivation than male ones, and students of high family socioeconomic status had higher English learning motivation than those of low family socioeconomic status. 4. Students with high parental expectations had higher English learning motivation than those with low parental expectations, and cultural capital had a positive influence on students’ English learning motivation. . There was a negative relationship between anxiety and motivation so that the higher the test anxiety, the lower the English learning motivation. However, the higher the fear of negative evaluation was, the higher the English learning motivation was. 6. Background variables and cultural capital partially mediated English learning motivation by English learning anxiety.
頁次 001-030
關鍵詞 英語學習文化資本 英語學習動機 英語學習焦慮 Cultural Capital for English Learning English Learning Motivation English Learning Anxiety
卷期 33:1
日期 201906
刊名 臺中教育大學學報. 教育類
出版單位 國立臺中教育大學