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篇名 國中小跨領域課程設計之爭論與平議
並列篇名 The Controversies and the Related Discussions on Cross-disciplinary Curriculum Design in Elementary and Secondary Schools
作者 周淑卿(Shu-Ching Chou)
中文摘要 十二年國教課綱期許學校在校訂課程中,以跨領域/科目或結合各項議題的方式,發展統整性課程,雖然跨領域課程只是校訂課程的選項之一,但已引發學校關注。相較於20年前的課程統整,如今的跨領域課程基於核心素養的理念,除了學科知識的統整,更強調探究性的學習歷程。有關跨領域課程的設計,有一些常被爭論的課題。本文針對五項常被討論的問題,參照相關文獻與理論以提出個人觀點。此五項爭論問題分別是:一、各領域皆可培養核心素養,為何還要有跨領域課程?二、跨什麼「科目」才能稱為跨領域課程?三、校訂跨領域課程的設計有必要參照領綱的學習重點嗎?四、跨領域課程為何需要核心概念?五、跨領域課程應該配合協同教學嗎?最後,作者主張,要在理想與現實之間找到可行之道,則設計跨領域課程時可先以規模較小、涵蓋科目較少的方式著手。
英文摘要 The 12-year Basic Education Curriculum expects schools to develop integrative curriculum through cross-disciplinary approach or connecting various social issues in the school-developed curriculum. Although the “cross-disciplinary curriculum” is one of the four types of school-developed curriculum, it has aroused much attention. Compared with the curriculum integration policy 20 years ago, today’s “cross-disciplinary curriculum” is based on the concept of “key competence”. In addition to the integration of subject knowledge, it also emphasizes the inquiry learning process. Since the new General Curriculum Guideline published, there were some topics that are often debated about the cross-disciplinary curriculum. This article focuses on five frequently discussed topics, and refers to relevant literature and theories to put forward personal perspectives. The five controversial issues are: 1. Since key competencies can be cultivated in all learning domains, why do we need cross-disciplinary courses? 2. What subjects should be included in a course, then the course can be called cross-disciplinary curriculum? 3. When designing a cross-disciplinary course, should the “learning contents” and “learning performances” of some learning domains be involved? 4. Why do a cross-disciplinary course need a core concept? 5. Is team teaching needed in the cross-disciplinary curriculum implementation? Finally, the author advocates that to find a feasible way between ideal and reality, the cross-disciplinary curriculum could involve fewer subjects and be implemented with a smaller scale.
頁次 023-035
關鍵詞 校訂課程 跨領域課程 課程統整 school-developed curriculum cross-disciplinary curriculum curriculum integration
卷期 316
日期 202008
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司
DOI 10.3966/168063602020080316002